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LOL Worlds Semifinal: DWG KIA and EDG move forward to Grand Finals

ch33n1 L4NC3L077

lol worlds semifinal

League of Legends Worlds BO5 Semifinal was fireworks. Both semifinals went on until the bitter end into 5th game.

EDG and DWG KIA have qualified for the League of Legends World Championship 2021 Grand Finals. After back and forth semifinals, both teams clawed their way towards the ultimate chance at Summoner’s Cup.

The Semifinal 1 was set between T1, formerly SK Telecom T1, and DamWon Gaming KIA or DK. The Semifinal 2 was set between EDG and Gen.G yesterday.

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Neither T1 nor GenG were pushovers. Both teams fought until the bitter end and tried to claw defeats from the final game of the series.

In semifinal 1, T1 and Faker took the loss in game 1. They followed up with continued aggression for the next four games. But T1 got outclassed and out farmed in game 5 by DK.

On the other hand, in semifinal 2 EDG took comfortable leading game 1. But their AD carry got caught up in numerous 3 men ganks leading to losses. However, GenG could not stop EDG from taking their seat in the finals.

2021 Worlds Semifinal 1 MVP: DK Showmaker.

ShowMaker played LeBlanc, Syndra and Zoe.  But he showed his true carry potential in Game 4. There Showmaker dominated the entire game.

He had a score of 11/0/3 and dealt a total of 24, 100 units of damage to T1 heroes after reduction. ShowMaker had a networth of 15.3k Gold at game end.

After utter domination in the last 2 games, ShowMaker was announced MVP. He gave a short interview stating the reasons they won against T1.

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2021 Worlds Semifinal 2 MVP: EDG Scout.

Much like semifinal 1, the story of the matchup between EDG and GenG was the same. EDG scout absolutely decimated GenG in the last two matches to secure the first-ever Worlds final seat for EDG.

Scout had a score of 12/0/7 in game 4 with a total of 21,800 units of damage dealt. He was interviewed shortly after EDG’s win against GenG.

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Defending Champions DAMWON KIA face against EDward Gaming for 2021 Summoner’s cup.

DK are the defending champions from 2020 Worlds. They have already eliminated T1, 3-time winner, and Faker. Thus, they have proved they are no pushovers.

On the other side of the spectrum, this is the first Worlds Final for EDG. They will be trying their Damndest to earn the elusive trophy on the world stage.

The Series is set as Best-of-5 and will be held on 6th November. We will be eagerly waiting for a broadcast on Riot’s Official Twitch channel.

About the author

ch33n1 L4NC3L077

ch33n1 L4NC3L077


•NFT aficionado •E-sports fanatic •Indie GameDev

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