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Man proposes Woman for marriage during India-England 2nd ODI

Saksham Mishra

A man in the crowd proposed a girl for marriage as the cameraman recorded him live during India-England 2nd ODI.

Love was in the air during the India-England 2nd ODI played at Lord’s. During the English innings, a man proposed a girl in the crowd when the camera zoomed on him. In fact, this was an indication for the man for the proposal as he took out a ring form his pocket and propose the girl for marriage.

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Much to the joy of the man and the crowd, the girl agreed and then the two shared a warm hug. Moments like these describe what the sport stands for. It is not only about bat and ball but all the things that come along with it.

The man could not have found a better place than this for the proposal. This was of course the Lord’s, the home of cricket.

Plus, being of Indian ethnicity, it helped that it was a match between India and England, possibly the two best teams in world cricket right now. And that too, at the top of their game.

Here’s the video:

A couple of fans on Twitter could also not resist their happiness.

About the author

Saksham Mishra

Saksham Mishra

I, a failed cricketer say: write picturesque, write insightful; otherwise don’t write. My writings are a source of self pleasure. Enjoy a fiercely fought test session much more than a slam bang T20. I write anything, as per whim- news piece, feature, opinion, editorial, preview, analysis etc. Hope to write a book one day!

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