Shaquille O’Neal In Chinese Beer Commercial

A delightful lack of common sense and a strong preference for having Western celebrities forsake their poise to play the star can be found in Chinese television advertising.

For instance, the beer commercial with former NBA MVP Shaquille O'Neal has hints of racism as well as unrelated, context-free elements, like Shaq inhaling smoke at the 20-second mark.

In a Chinese beer advertisement for the alcoholic beverage Harbin, Shaquille O'Neal played the lead role.

In this commercial, two men argue over the remaining bottle of Xuejin and settle it by playing a game of hoops.

The first person to emerge from his zip is a tall, anonymous basketball player. The following person then pops his zip and becomes Kazaam!

One-on-one, Shaq and the unknown player square off; Shaq apparently wins the game and the beer.

However, an alluring woman steals the beer from Shaq, defeating the purpose of his attempt to earn the drink. He has no idea, though, that she truly possesses a whole case of beer.

It's a stupid little ad, but it definitely makes you smile, demonstrating once more what a nice person Shaq is.