Michael Jordan Once Left A Party ‘Fearing’ Mike Tyson

Mike Tyson was at the height of his powers in the late 1980s when he was regarded as the most dangerous guy on the planet.

On the other hand, as one of the greatest NBA players, Michael Jordan was also having the time of his life.

In his book "Taming the Beast," former agent Rory Holloway provided an insight of Mike Tyson's life and career. BoxingScene has been stealing bits from it, and one particular paragraph mentions a moment when Mike Tyson and Michael Jordan were on the verge of a fight.

It all happened back in 1988 at Richard Dent's birthday dinner. A lot of famous folk attended this party back in December, including Michael Jordan. 

Holloway described how uncomfortable Michael Jordan felt since Mike appeared to be upset with him for dating actress, Robin Gibbs.

This is what Holloway wrote: "Mike Tyson's sitting there with his drink of choice, a Long Island Tea, and when he drinks his real feelings come out. I'm telling the server to water his drinks down because I see where this is going.”

“Mike stares across the table at Michael Jordan. He says, 'Hey man, you think I'm stupid? I know you f***** with my b****'. Jordan looks like he just seen a ghost. 'I know you messed with her,' Mike says, 'You can tell me'. 

“It was a circus, for real, that night. Don King trying to change the subject. Me and John trying to hold Mike down. Mike telling everyone he's going to bust Jordan's ass. Jordan's dressed sharp as always and he can't get out of there fast enough."