Can The Rock Buy WWE?

There are still rumours that Vince McMahon would sell WWE, and one of the biggest performers in the history of the organisation would be the buyer. Dave Scherer of PW Insider outlined why such situation is quite implausible in the midst of this.

Scherer said, "He would need a lot of partners and/or financing and honestly I don't think he would want to make the move. As mentioned above, the lion's share of WWE's revenue comes from TV rights."

"If the partners change, the company's value changes drastically. Since it will cost billions to buy WWE, that kind of downturn could be catastrophic for a non-content providing investor," continued Scherer.

Any deal would probably take place no later than the middle of this year, according to Alex Sherman, as WWE gets ready to begin negotiating live rights costs.

The company's current deals with NBCUniversal and Fox for Raw and SmackDown are worth $1 billion each over five years. They expire in October 2024.

The Rock certainly doesn't have the resources on his own to purchase WWE. He did buy another one of McMahon's previous businesses. He, along with a group of investors, purchased the XFL in August 2020.

The WWE is worth $7 billion, but The Rock is only worth $800 million! So it should be quite clear that The Great One cannot acquire WWE alone or without partners/ investors.