How Kobe Bryant Made $400M Thanks to Coca-Cola

Kobe Bryant placed a bet on upcoming sports drink brand BodyArmour, way back in 2014

The Lakers Legend purchased a 10% stake for $6 million

Kobe Bryant was also instrumental in shaping the company into the success it is at today. 

Bryant was a board member and directed several endorsements for BodyArmour.

"If it wasn’t for Kobe Bryant’s vision and belief, BodyArmour would not have been able to achieve the success we had”

Before Kobe Bryant’s passing, Coca-Cola purchased a portion of BodyArmour, valuing the company at $2B & Kobe’s share at $200M

After his tragic death, Coca-Cola bought the entire company in 2021, valuing it at $5.6B & the now-$600M Kobe Bryant Estate was set to make $400M!

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