Kobe Bryant Once Got 'Zero Hours' Of Sleep Before A Game!

The Late Lakers Legend Kobe Bryant was best known for his unmatchable work ethic & competitive streak. 

The recent Netflix show 'The Redeem Team' showed us how Kobe Bryant's work ethic had such an effect on setting the tone for the team.

The Hall of Famer's workout is known as the 666 - 6 hours a day, 6 days a week, 6 months a year!
His dedication to the sport was unreal!

Kobe's 4 AM workout was non-negotiable.
But the Black Mamba would struggle to sleep, & was sustaining off of 3-4 hours of sleep.

In an interview with Patrick Bet-David, he was asked what was the least amount of sleep he had gotten before a game 

Kobe Bryant shockingly revealed how he had gone completely sleepless once because he was tending to Natalia.

Kobe Bryant was a father to 4 daughters named Natalia, Giana, Bianka, and Capri. And he was a big family man & was a very dedicated father.

But no matter what, Kobe Bryant would give his 100% on-court.

"Zero sleep, it's like you know kids, Natalia had a certain health situation, would have you stay up all night, and then you got to go out and perform because the fans don't know, teammates don't know, nor do they care, nor should they."

"You've been up all night, you gotta perform, you gotta go to work."

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