In an unexpected and unfortunate news for Ajinkya Rahane’s family, his father, Madhukar Baburao Rahane has been put behind bars on Friday in Kolhapur after his car ran over a woman.
The 67-year-old unlucky woman who encountered some serious injuries was rushed to the nearby local hospital on the outskirts of Maharashtra town for treatment.
Ashatai Kamble (woman) met with an accident on the national highway near Kagal bus station and it is still uncertain as to who was driving the car.
Potential reports claim that Rahane’s father was driving his Hyundai i20 car accompanied by his family. Madhukar Baburao Rahane lost his control over the vehicle when he, unfortunately, hit the woman.
When the accident happened, people rushed to the scene and made sure to admit the woman to the nearby Government hospital.
Unfortunately, while receiving treatment for serious injuries, the 67-year-old woman drew her last breath at the hospital which sent more worries to Rahane’s family.
The public handed Rahane’s father to the police and the Kolhapur Police has reportedly filed a case under the IPC Act 304A, 337, 338, 279 and 184.