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Dr. Mike Israetel Opens Up on Why Training for Muscle Mass Is Crucial for Aging Individuals

Radha Iyer

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Staying physically active throughout one’s young age almost always pays off in the future, but that doesn’t have to stop during old age. Dr. Mike Israetel wants individuals to exercise, especially when they get older. In a conversation with Dr. Gabrielle Lyon, he discussed the importance of developing muscle mass in one’s 50s and older.

He began the segment by talking about how people lose motivation to look physically better and stronger as they get older. And while he didn’t have any strong opinions on those who weren’t enthusiastic about keeping their looks intact, he pointed out how these individuals would end up losing strength as well.

At times, if individuals were lucky, they wouldn’t have troubled blood work going into their 50s, even if they haven’t taken special steps to improve their physique. However, Dr. Israetel wanted to focus on the people who end up being pre-diabetic or with other long-term health issues at that age, because of their lack of effort.

That’s why training for muscle mass to get stronger is necessary as people get older. It not only builds strength and endurance in the older generation but it also is crucial in preventing health conditions.

“My big spiel here is, you don’t want to wait until bad blood work shows up…to start. You want to ideally lift weights as a lifetime habit.”

Dr. Israetel also clarified that while it might seem intimidating at first, the only thing that one had to keep in mind was to be consistent with workouts. Small and focused efforts into developing a daily habit would pay off immensely in their senior years.

“If you can start in your 40s and 50s, you’re going to age in a way that people see you at the grocery store and they…just stop…start a conversation.”

Including various forms of resistance training as one gets older helps build muscle mass and strength. However, Dr. Israetel also recently discussed an optimum approach to ensure fat loss while maintaining muscle mass.

Dr. Mike Israetel reveals his take on resistance training for shedding pounds

Fat loss is one of the common fitness goals for several people, and Dr. Israetel is quite familiar with the process. However, he recently spoke about how he felt the role of resistance training for the purpose could be enhanced.

The idea was to focus on multiple approaches that provide different benefits and combine them in a plan. One could achieve fat loss with the help of a proper diet, along with resistance training that might help shed pounds to some extent.

However, combining this with weight training would ensure an increase in muscle mass while one lost fat. This way, one didn’t lose out on strength while shedding away their pounds.

Post Edited By:Sampurna Pal

About the author

Radha Iyer

Radha Iyer


Radha Iyer is a US Sports writer at The SportsRush. With a Master's degree in Media and Communication, and a background in content creation and production, sports journalism has been a part and parcel of her demonstrated history in the said field. Olympic sports hold a special place in her heart, and she is particularly interested in sports like track and field, gymnastics, and swimming. She also draws inspiration from legendary athletes like Michael Phelps, Usain Bolt, Simone Biles, and many more.

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