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Michael Schumacher and His Family Set to Receive $216,800 in Damages After AI Generated Interview

Nischay Rathore

German publication Die Aktuelle grabbed the spotlight in April 2023 as they claimed to have interviewed Michael Schumacher. The hype instantly turned into anger as the former F1 champion’s family rubbished the claims. As the Schumacher family decided to take legal action, the publication issued an apology and clarified the responses from the seven-time champion in the interview were AI-generated.

As days passed, the Schumacher family initiated legal proceedings against the publication. The latest coming from Germany suggests the Munich Labor Court has directed Die Aktuelle to pay the family 200,000 Euros ($216,800).

Die Aktuelle is one of the magazines run by the Funke media group. After the publication of the article in the magazine, Funke’s managing director issued an apology. Expressing regret over the issue, Bianca Pohlmann dubbed the article tasteless and misleading. Funke later sacked the editor responsible for the article.

Pohlmann said, “This tasteless and misleading article should never have appeared. It does not in any way correspond to the standards of journalism that we — and our readers — expect from a publisher like Funke.”

Die Aktuelle used Michael Schumacher’s picture on the front page of the issue. To further grab attention, they used the words “Michael Schumacher, the first interview!” and “world sensation!” Just to make sure they did not face any consequences, they added a little disclaimer that read, “it sounds deceptively real.”

The family remains secretive over Michael Schumacher’s condition

Michael Schumacher met with a serious accident while skiing in December 2013. The resultant injury to his brain dealt a severe blow to the chances of his survival.

Thankfully, after a long stint in the Intensive Care Unit, the seven-time F1 champion got out of the hospital. However, the injuries had a lasting effect as reports suggest he isn’t the same Michael Schumacher anymore.

Meanwhile, the family remains secretive about his health. In a Netflix documentary on his life, Michael’s wife, Corinna, explained the reason behind the decision. She revealed how Michael was protective of his family all through his life. Now, it was their turn to take care of him and protect him.

The only credible source for any updates on Michael’s health has been his former Ferrari boss Jean Todt. Todt wasn’t just the Ferrari team principal but also one of the best friends Michael ever had.

Being one of the closest to him and the family, Todt often visits them. In one of his interviews after one such visit, the Frenchman admitted to watching Grands Prix with Michael. However, he confessed the German legend wasn’t the same Michael Schumacher he once knew.

Post Edited By:Vidit Dhawan

About the author

Nischay Rathore

Nischay Rathore


Nischay Rathore is an F1 journalist at The SportsRush with over a thousand articles under his belt. An avid Ayrton Senna admirer, Nischay embarked on his sports journalism journey despite completing graduation in Law. When not covering the high-speed thrills of the pinnacle of motorsport, he can be seen enjoying crime thrillers and 90s gangster movies with a hearty bowl of buttery popcorn.

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