The masterpiece survival horror action is back with Alan Wake 2. Like in the last game, this sequel revolves around the titular character Alan Wake, a horror novelist fighting the malevolent force called the Dark Presence. But he needs to rely on the “Words of Power” to get stronger.
Alan Wake is not a special agent or warrior like most protagonists. Being a writer, his mightiest weapon is his words. Likewise, there are 27 Words of Power in the game that he needs to get stronger. Through this article, we will guide you to the location of every Word of Power in Alan Wake 2.
What are Words of Power in Alan Wake 2?
Players will come across spirals of yellow words across the Dark Place. These graffiti-like spirals are Words of Power, the in-game boost for Alan Wake to improve his skills. But to collect them, the players should point their flashlight toward the center of those yellow spirals.

All 27 Words of Power are not the same, as there are seven different kinds that boost Alan’s various attributes. Let’s take a quick look at those kinds.
- Words of Fix – Improves health and regeneration abilities
- Words of Gun – Improves the ammo capacity and weapon’s effect
- Words of War – Upgrades the damage by Alan’s weapons
- Words of Stuff – Expands the inventory capacity, locate nearby items on the map, and add a charge to the flashlight
- Words of Aid – Improves the effect of healing items and flares
- Words of Action – Improves Alan’s combat and stealth abilities
- Words of Lamp – Upgrades the flashlight
Where to find the Words of Power in the Dark Place?
As previously mentioned, there are 27 Words of Power across the Dark Place. He can only find these power boosts while playing through the chapters of “Initiation.” Let’s see all the locations of these Words of Power.
Initiation 2: Casey (Words of Power in the Main Plaza)

There are six Words of Power available in this chapter that are spread across the Main Plaza of the Dark Place.
- Word of Fix: Players will spot a bright arrow directing to a tight spot at the end of the alley where Alan encounters Casey. A yellow glyph will be visible on the wall above the entryway.
- Word of Fix: Another Word of Fix can be found when the player examines the trash cans outside the Talk Show Studio.
- Word Action: Players should head over to the eastern section of the Main Plaza, Draft Street. There, they will find the Word of Action upon flashing the light on the railway above them.
- Word of Lamp: Using the Angel Lamp on the sign to the right of the Caldera Street Station sign will make it disappear. Then, steps to the High-Line Station will appear. Follow the path until the player reaches the Break Room. While exiting from there, players will notice an arrow to the left that points to a glyph just below.
- Word of Gun: After meeting Tim Breaker, proceed through the door leading to the other section of the alley. Then, climb the ladder there to reach the roof. Players should then turn right to look between the two air-conditioning units to spot the glyph.
- Word of War: Players must examine the streets where they found the Word of Gun for a police car. Upon using the Angel Lamp over there, some Taken will spawn. After defeating them, check the interior wall of the building next to the police car for the boost.
Initiation 2: Casey (Words of Power in the Subway)

The subway is one of the most complicated spots of the Dark Place. This is also the spot of the most number of Words of Power, around ten of them. Moreover, players should find these boosts during Initiation 2, as some areas might be unavailable later.
- Word of Gun: While going down to the Caldera Street Station subway with Angel Lamp, look on the right to spot an abandoned train. Use the Angel Lamp there to reveal the Word of Gun.
- Word of Aid: After passing the first subway save point, players will stumble across some construction material. Upon examining that area, players will find the glyph.
- Word of Lamp: Players will notice two narrow tunnels side by side after passing the Collapsed Tunnel. The other section contains a cart that will disappear after using the Angel Lamp. Then, players can enter a small room to get the Word of Lamp.
- Word of War: Players should look above them to spot the Word of War after seeing the Derailed Train scene on the screen.
- Word of Action: After switching the Derailed Train scene to Torchbearers, players could pass through the wreckage to reach a small room with an Echo. Then, descend the ladder to find three glowing arrows pointing at a wooden board, breaking that will get you the Word of Action.
- Word of Fix: After getting the Word of Action, proceed to the next area filled with Taken shades. Eliminate them and examine the wall behind the ticketing booth that has the “Lost” graffiti to get the power boost.
- Word of Lamp: Players will arrive at Shrine Street Station after leaving the previous area. There’s a partially flooded section on the left, where they must examine the arrow and the far wall to get the second Word of Lamp.
- Word of Gun: Players will spot two abandoned trains while moving deeper into the Shrine Street Station. They should then use the Angel Lamp outside the train to make the light flicker, revealing the yellow glyph.
- Word of Action: After players have the “End of the Line” scene, use the Murder Cult option to spot the Echo to unlock the Summoning Ritual theme. Select it to reveal an exit along the right-hand side to the room containing the Word of Power.
- Word of Fix: After obtaining Word of Action, proceed up the steps until players arrive near a Break Room. There is another door leading to the previous Collapsed Tunnel scene’s room. But before proceeding, inspect the wall behind the metal gate for the glyph.
Initiation 5: Room 665 (Words of Power in the Back Alley or Rooftops)

The next set of Words of Power is available during Initiation 5: Room 665. Alan Wake can obtain four boosts by entering the Oceanview Hotel. However, only the alleys and rooftops of the hotel are available during this chapter.
- Word of Aid: Players should examine the wall of a building on the street near the left of Oceanview Hotel. They will find a Word of Aid there.
- Word of Aid: While exploring the southern part of the Oceaview Hotel’s rooftop, players will spot some glowing arrows pointing at the second Word of Aid in this chapter.
- Word of Lamp: A doorway with two triangles pointing down can be found in the northern portion of the rooftop area. The glyph will be available on a water tank off to the side. However, the game might not give the boost if the players pass through the door and look at the water tank from below.
- Word of Gun: After obtaining the Word of Lamp, players must check the left-hand side to descend the metal stairs where Tim Breaker can be heard humming. Look beneath the stairs for a crawlspace that leads to the Word of Gun.
Initiation 5: Room 665 (Words of Power in the Oceanview Hotel)

After acquiring the four Words of Power at the back alley and rooftop of Oceanview Hotel, players will find three more in the hotel.
- Word of War: Obtain the key to Room 104, as it’s a save point, and also the passage to Room 225. Then, exit the hall and enter Room 224 where an arrow will point to a wooden board. They must smash it and look at the bathroom wall to find the Word of War.
- Word of Stuff: When the players reach the Oceanview Hotel’s Ballroom, they should look above the bar counter to spot the rare Word of Stuff.
- Word of War: There is another Word of War in Oceanview Hotel. Players should look through the glass above the doors leading to the emergency exit on the second floor to obtain the power boost.
Initiation 8: Zane’s Film (Words of Power in the Poet’s Cinema)

Alan Wake will find the final four Words of Power in the Poet’s Cinema during the “Initiation 8: Zane’s Film” chapter in Alan Wake 2.
- Word of Fix: Once inside the cinema, players will notice a Word of Fix on the right-hand side of the lobby’s second floor.
- Word of Action: On the ground floor of the cinema, players should enter the bathroom on the left. After passing the stalls, there’s a storage room where they should look for the glyph on the ceiling.
- Word of Stuff: Players should switch the themes to change the environment after exiting the Theater Hall and receive the Out in the Night Scene. The police car should shine a light on a door that they can enter by switching themes. When reaching the rooftop, they should go to the spotlights and turn around to notice the rare Word of Stuff on the lower right-hand wall.
- Word of Lamp: After discovering the Word of Stuff, players must proceed to the opposite side of the rooftop to hear Tim Breaker humming. They should then search the right side for a crawlspace beneath the metal walkway leading to Breaker’s tiny room. The final Word of Power will be revealed when the players turn around and look at the water tank.
These are all the locations and how to find the 27 Words of Power across the Dark Place in Alan Wake 2. Players are advised to obtain these power boosts according to the order given in this guide to obtain all of them.