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How To: Hit Your Longest Drive Ever, Five Pro Tips To Achieve The Feat

Suchita Chakraborty

Adam Long

Covering the farthest distance by hitting a proper drive might sound unachievable, but a few tricks have been learnt that would help to clinch this feat faster. Golfers try various ways to cover some extra yards by searching for an optimal driver launch angle, placing the golf ball in the right form, and buying the best drivers with higher costs. 

But what if these extra miles could be easily covered by a few simple tricks? Let’s find out the best five tricks, according to coach Trey Niven of Golf Monthly, that would help a golfer achieve this!


First, one has to understand how to use a golf alignment stick. Also, golfers need to align their bodies properly with respect to knees, feet, and hips. The entire body has to sync and the shoulders should be properly positioned. Then, there’s another quick fix, which is the ball position.

Niven says, “Needs to be forward with a driver – depending on what shot shape you’re hitting…A common fault here is that when you move the ball forwards your shoulders then start to move left, so we have to just adjust this slightly. Use alignment sticks, or your driver, to check the position of your knees, hips and shoulders.” 

Thus, he explained how the alignment sticks come into play, to improve the body position. He added that starting with the right hip back would end up creating a good body tilt. 

Lengthen The Backswing

The coach thinks mobility is a useful way to play better golf. For longer swings, the more arms go back and high in the backswing, the more speed will be created on the way down. Then, he explains how the right foot and left heel help to achieve this. 

“One way to increase this is to turn your right (for right-handed golfers) foot out a bit, as this helps to turn into the right hip. You can also try to raise your left heel slightly in the backswing, as this will help to improve your rotation.”

Split Grip Drill

To do this, one has to place the left hand at the top of the shaft, with the trail hand placed between the grip and the shaft. Following this, the club has to rise slowly, and then, with a quick downswing, the club has to align parallel with the ground. If this later action can be done quickly, that will provide speed to the arms in downward motion. This is an effective way to play on the course.

Don’t Smother The Club 

Golfers grip the club too tightly with the false idea of hitting their balls better but this is counterproductive. If one relaxes the grip, it helps to get better speed and create spins in the ball. This will help the club flow and create short and easy swings. 

Play Using Your Strength

Ball flight plays a vital role in the game. This will help to predict whether the ball will go right to left or left to right. The coach says to trust the swing and calculate the wind direction to have the best shot. Thus, trusting on instincts and following these few steps will help to achieve perfect shots. 

    About the author

    Suchita Chakraborty

    Suchita Chakraborty


    Suchita Chakraborty is a senior golf writer at The SportsRush. She did her post-graduation at St. Xavier's University. For a year now, she has developed a riveting inclination toward golf, with Tiger Woods and Rory McIlroy being her top-tier motivational figures to indulge in the sport. She even lives by the words of the Hall of Famer, "You can always become better", which impels her to excel every day. Her strong suit in golf is covering the LPGA Tour, especially the nooks and crannies of the international event, the Solheim Cup. As a pastime amusement, Suchita also engages herself in reading about golf controversies. Her favorite pick is ‘LIV and Let Die’ by Alan Shipnuck, which covers the PGA-LIV beef.

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