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Kane returns to Monday Night Raw and attacks Roman Reigns

Siddharth Nair

Last night’s episode of Monday Night Raw was all about the Shield. After their much awaited reunion the week before Rollins, Reigns and Ambrose came out to their old entrance music for the first time in three years.

The WWE Universe was cheering the trio on as they entered the ring as one force.

In the main event ,Reigns and Strowman faced off inside a steel cage in a hard hitting bout. Reigns seemed to be on his way to victory when he speared Strowman and started climbing the cage.

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But he was stopped by Strowman’s TLC partners Cesaro and Sheamus. Ambrose and Rollins rushed to their Shield brother’s aide and fought off the tag team before Kane’s entrance music suddenly started playing.

Reigns seemed confused as he did not understand what was happening before Kane appeared from inside the ring. The Big Red Machine choke slammed Reigns who was then attacked by Strowman.

The two monsters teed off at Reigns before Strowman picked up the victory.

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