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‘LeBron James a Hypocrite’, Joshua Wong calls out Lakers Star

Saurav Sharma

'LeBron James a hypocrite', Joshua Wong calls out Laker's star

Recently Lakers star LeBron James with the other NBA stars came together to form a group to support black voting rights in the US. For which Joshua Wong, Hong Kong democratic activist blamed LeBron James of hypocrisy.

Joshua Wong in his Twitter post said that LeBron James is only extending support for police brutality on black Americans and is completely ignoring what’s going on in other parts of the world. As Hong Kong is also facing similar problems but on that LeBron James is complete quite and is shutting others.

Joshua Wong Tweet about Lebron

Joshua Wong Chi-Fung is a student activist and a politician for pro-democracy party Demosisto where he has served as secretary-general. He played a vital role in the Umbrella Movement for which TIME’S Magazine listed him in 2014 most influential teens.

Protesters from Hong Kong have extended support and solidarity towards the protests against police brutality that caused the death of George Floyd and also in the ‘black lives matter’ movement. As both nations are facing similar problems against police tactics, the US citizens should also come up with a similar response towards Hong Kong natives. On the other hand, Americans have used methods of protest that were originated from Hong Kong protests.

Not only LeBron James is accused of the hypocrisy but fashion companies like Coach and Versace were also seen following a similar track. As they have raised voice against ‘black lives matter’ in America but were completely silent on Hong Kong protests.

A similar story is followed by HSBC and Standard Chartered Plc, the two British institutions that dominate Hong Kong’s banking system, both remained silent on China’s new security laws for Hong Kong. Their top executives, on the other hand, extended support for American’s black community but no voice was raised against that Chinese law.

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