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Gilbert Arenas Finds the Hate Toward LeBron James “Weird as F***” Despite Being Top-10 All-Time

Terrence Jordan

LeBron James NBA: Los Angeles Clippers at Los Angeles Lakers

There’s no disputing LeBron James is the most scrutinized athlete we’ve ever seen. For as many people who love him and recognize his many achievements, there seem to be just as many looking to tear him down at all times. It’s a strange dynamic for a player who is so undeniably great, a fact Gilbert Arenas called out on the newest episode of his Gil’s Arena podcast.

LeBron’s shortcomings often get even more airtime than his accomplishments. Arenas doesn’t understand it, because he feels that only LeBron is subjected to that level of criticism, and not just in basketballin any field in which people are talking about their favorites.

“So you’re telling me in your favorites, you can say something good about 1, 2, 3, 4, let’s say LeBron’s 5, you talk s*** about 5, then talk great about 6, 7, 8, 9, 10? That’s weird as f***!”

Arenas is right, but as Nick Young pointed out, other all-time greats are’t totally immune to criticism. Kevin Durant continues to take heat for jumping to the Warriors. Kobe Bryant was accused of being a Michael Jordan clone. Shaq was criticized for not staying in shape.

Arenas said he’d rather be ranked outside the top 10 if it meant avoiding all of that criticism.

LeBron recently shot back at the media over the negative way the game is covered now, saying, “Why do you want to be the face of the league when all the people that cover our game and talk about our game on a day-to-day basis s*** on everybody?”

Even LeBron’s comments on negativity in the media were received negatively

LeBron is damned if he does and damned if he doesn’t. Rather than take his comments to heart and undergo a bit of self-reflection, many in the media ripped him more. Kendrick Perkins agreed with LeBron’s general sentiment, but still took him to task for not naming names.

“I get what LeBron is saying. My only problem [is]… Say who you speaking to. Because it can’t be us, because we highlight him every single day, even when he’s not playing. We make sure that we appreciate his greatness every single day.”

In today’s social media age, negativity sells. Outrage gets clicks. Fewer and fewer people are looking to agree. They’d rather have something to get angry about. Unfortunately, there seems to be no end in sight.

If you want to avoid criticism altogether, then paradoxically, you need to take Arenas’ advice and just stay out of the conversation altogether. Greatness going forward is going to require a thicker skin.

About the author

Terrence Jordan

Terrence Jordan


Terrence Jordan is a sportswriter based out of Raleigh, NC that graduated from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 2005 with a degree in English and Communications. Originally from New York, he has been a diehard sports fan his entire life. Terrence is the former editor of Golfing Magazine- New York edition, and he currently writes for both The SportsRush and FanSided. Terrence is also a former Sports Jeopardy champion whose favorite NBA team of all-time is the Jason Kidd-era New Jersey Nets. He believes sports are the one thing in the world that can truly bring people together, and he's so excited to be able to share his passion through his writing.

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