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Josh Hart Promises More Hilarities From the Knicks in 2025

Trikansh Kher

Josh Hart Promises More Hilarities From The Knicks In 2025

The Villanova trio of Jalen Brunson, Josh Hart, and Donte DiVincenzo brought their college bond to the NBA, leading the Knicks to its deepest playoff run in recent memory. While they played with great ferocity and spirit on the court, the youngsters were a treat off the court. Fans seemed to have a blast with the trio’s antics, as Josh Hart even claimed their antics in 2025 would be even funnier.

Taking to the social media platform X, the Knicks guard responded to a fan who had called into focus the Knicks’ comedic demeanor, writing that “The 2024 Knicks were funny as hell”. Keeping in line with his witty antics, Hart responded to the comment,” Oh just wait for 2025″.

The Villanova trios’ rise to stardom happened rather quickly, as this year’s NBA playoffs signaled their arrival. While most of them had already made a mark for themselves as individual talents, the trio didn’t show much promise with their former teams. But once they were reunited, the trio showed a different side.

Brunson and his boys took care of former MVP Joel Embiid and the Philadelphia 76ers in their opening series of this year’s playoffs. After the series, DiVincenzo was asked about the secret behind their unmatched chemistry on the floor, to which he replied,

“Everybody’s goal here is to win and it’s easier when you have two guys that you’ve played with formerly, so you know that sometimes when things get heated, it’s coming from the right place. And then that translates to everybody and everybody is able to talk to each other in that way.”

Brunson also backed his teammate by further adding, “We really enjoy and involve everyone on this team. The chemistry and communication we have in that locker room, on and off the court, it’s special.”

Despite their brotherly demeanor on the court, and their talks of chemistry and team play, the trio quickly change faces as soon as the bright lights of the NBA are switched off. The duo of Josh Hart and Jaylen Brunson even host a show called the “Roommates Podcast” which currently functions as the main source of shinanigans for the Villanova trio.

Post Edited By:Hitesh Nigam

About the author

Trikansh Kher

Trikansh Kher

Trikansh Kher is a writer at The Sports Rush. A lawyer by education, Trikansh has always been around sports. As a young track athlete Trikansh was introduced to basketball through 'street ball' mixtapes. He was hooked and it has been 'ball is life' ever since. Trikansh is a designer by profession, but couldn't keep away from basketball. A regular on the blacktop, his love for the game goes further than just hooping. If Trikansh isn't going through box scores for last night's game, you can find him in his studio working on his designs or playing squash at the local club.

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