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“League’s Never Been Crazier”: Steve Kerr Offers Words of Advice to Lakers HC JJ Redick

Tonoy Sengupta

“League’s Never Been Crazier”: Steve Kerr Offers Words of Advice to Lakers HC JJ Redick

The next NBA season may be far from its commencement, but it already seems as though JJ Redick‘s seat is blistering hot. With the newly appointed Lakers HC having no experience in coaching at any level of the game, many wonder if he deserved the prestigious position he received. Amidst this storm around his name, Warriors’ Steve Kerr offered a bit of advice to help the 40-year-old.

Kerr and Redick have something in common with each other. Neither of the two had any head coaching experience in the NBA, before landing the gig for California-based teams. Highlighting this point, Jim Rome asked Kerr if he had any advice for JJ, especially considering the significant responsibility he has been given.

Initially, the Warriors’ head coach lauded his now counterpart cum colleague and said that he was an intelligent man and he would find his way. Steve Kerr said,

“JJ’s going to be great. I mean he’s smart as hell. He’s been in the league for so long. He understands how this league operates. Obviously there’s a learning curve for everybody…” 

However, he then warned the 40-year-old that the NBA has never been tougher to adapt before providing an insight into how he goes about it.

“The league’s never been crazier, my mind, it nuts! So, you go in, you try to, you know, unify with your front office, your management, and try to build something solid, and see where it goes.”

It’s clear that Kerr believes one can only do so much when trying to build something up with the franchise. It does make sense, especially given just how many people are looking to work toward the same goal. In the end, all the head coach can do really is just try to unify with the front office, and hope for the best.

Especially with a franchise as big as the Lakers, JJ Redick will have to accept this way of doing things, no matter how hands-on he may want to be at times. If he can’t do so, things could end up in disaster far before even his greatest detractors predict.

About the author

Tonoy Sengupta

Tonoy Sengupta


Tonoy Sengupta is a Senior Editor at The SportsRush. Coming from an athletically inclined family, he has been surrounded by sports ever since he was 4 years old. But, while initially pouring all his time into Football (soccer), at 14, Tonoy discovered basketball through the countless highlights of Stephen Curry humiliating players from Curry Land. And just like that, a fiery passion for the game was ignited within Tonoy. And soon after, he decided to become a student of journalism, graduating in 2022, and choosing sports as his area of interest. Today, you can find him spending 99% of his time browsing through every type of content on every team in the NBA, before uncorking everything he has found to the world. In the 1% he isn't doing this, you can find him playing Basketball, Football, Volleyball, or practically any other sport he has had the opportunity to learn.

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