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“Stop Punching Your Teammate”: Draymond Green’s ‘Fine Rant’ Irks Shannon Sharpe

Abhishek Dhariwal

"Stop Punching Your Teammate": Draymond Green's 'Fine Rant' Irks Shannon Sharpe

It has been a while since the NBA started levying heavy fines on players if they stepped out of line. This was done to reduce any violence in the league and to make it more marketable. While some fines do tend to be outrageous, there are a few players who certainly should not be complaining. And Shannon Sharpe calling out Draymond Green over it should be the number one case.

NFL legend Shannon Sharpe recently went off on Draymond Green’s rant on the league levying heavy fines on players which prevent them from being healthy. Talking about it on the Nightcap podcast, here is what Sharpe had to say.

“How about this here? How about stop kicking people in the privates? How about stop choking people? How about stop punching your teammates?”

Shannon Sharpe did not seem to have any sympathy for Draymond Green. He was outraged instead that this type of statement came out from someone like Green who is known to be a dirty player in the league.

Instead of supporting Green, Sharpe decided to call out a few of his antics in the NBA over the years. Draymond has often been at the center of such situations, kicking Steven Adams in the groin, choking Rudy Gobert, and punching his former teammate, Jordan Poole.

Shannon Sharpe even went on to talk about the requirement and necessity for rules and regulations in our society to prevent lawlessness and crime. Because if there’s no one to hold you accountable, everyone would stoop down to living a life of crime.

Sharpe even brought up the fact that Draymond Green lost $3 million in fines and suspensions, something that could’ve been avoided only if he had acted right.

Draymond Green gets slammed by fans

Draymond Green made an appearance on The Big Podcast with Shaq a few days ago. While on the podcast, Green mentioned how the NBA is not set up for players to have money when they retire from the league due to all the fines and suspensions.

“If I do something wrong, I lose a $100,000? Man, it took my mom 4 years when I was growing up to make $100,000. And I lose that in a night because what? A referee got mad at me.”

Whether Green was making a valid argument or not, fans certainly did not agree with him.

One fan tweeted, “Brother please. If you can’t set yourself up with 100 million dollars then that’s a you problem.”

While another fan commented, “If you make 100 Million+ in your career and you can’t figure out how to be financially successful the rest of your life, that is a you problem and has nothing to do with ‘how it’s set up’.”

One fan even called Draymond out, claiming he’d be okay with his extravagant $25 million-a-year salary.

Draymond Green’s antics don’t seem to be getting any sympathy, especially because he has deliberately tried to injure players and then acted like a victim. And now with other icons from sports calling him out, it’ll be interesting to see what Green ends up doing in the league.

Post Edited By:Sameen Nawathe

About the author

Abhishek Dhariwal

Abhishek Dhariwal


A fan of the sport since the late 2000s, Abhishek has been covering the game of basketball for the past five years now. Having done his masters in Journalism and Mass Communication, Abhishek prides himself in being referred to as a sports journalist at The SportsRush. A fan of the San Antonio Spurs since the Tim Duncan era, Abhishek has an extensive knowledge of the sport and has covered more than 1500 articles. Having a firsthand experience of the sport, Abhishek has represented his city and state at a district and national level. And it is the same level of expertise he aims to bring while covering extensive topics both on and off the court of your favorite basketball stars.

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