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Joe Rogan Highlights Need to Treat Mental Health Crises with Same Urgency as Physical Illness

Kevin Binoy

Joe Rogan Highlights Need to Treat Mental Health Crises with Same Urgency as Physical Illness

Joe Rogan isn’t one to shy away from important issues, and this time he’s turning his attention to mental health. In his Instagram stories recently, Rogan emphasized the need to treat mental health crises with the same urgency as physical illnesses. 

Rogan’s message is clear: while we take great precautions to protect our physical health, mental health is often neglected, despite its profound impact on society.

As always, Rogan used his platform to shine a light on what he sees as a growing threat that needs more attention. The veteran podcaster shared a quote from Swiss psychotherapist and psychologist Carl Jung to reflect on the same. 

“We are on guard against contagious diseases of the body, but we are… careless when it comes to the even more dangerous collective diseases of the mind.”

Mental health is becoming an increasingly popular topic in the world of sports. A number of athletes are opening up about their struggles with the pressures that come with being a top athlete and the constant need to perform at the highest level, while managing personal and public scrutiny. 

Sean Strickland and Alexander Volkanovksi are two fighters that have been open with their struggles with mental health. Strickland has had an extremely difficult upbringing that has severely affected his mental health and he does not shy away from it. Unfortunately, it gets ignored due to his incoherent and intolerant rants against minorities. 

Volkanovski, on the other hand, admitted to fighting his ‘inner demons’ when he was on the sidelines for too long without a fight scheduled. Besides, having already had a successful career as a professional Rugby player, Volk understands better than anyone, the specific agony of fighting your demons while trying to succeed. 

Rogan, of course, as a father of two daughters, is extremely invested in the focus on mental health in athletes and especially amongst Gen Z. 

Gen Z’s growing mental health crisis worries Rogan

The podcaster recently shared his thoughts on how parents can better support Gen Z when it comes to mental health. He believes it’s important to listen to kids when they’re dealing with anxiety or other challenges, but also to help them understand that life is full of tough situations. 

Rogan emphasized the importance of talking through these issues while also encouraging kids to face difficulties head-on.

There’s things, they’re going to have to do in this life that are very difficult,” Rogan said, adding that the reward for overcoming those challenges can be significant.

His message to parents? Be there to listen and guide, but also teach resilience. 

    About the author

    Kevin Binoy

    Kevin Binoy

    With more than two years of devoted experience in the Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) industry, Kevin Binoy is an accomplished MMA journalist. His love of combat sports and his deep knowledge of the tactics and background of mixed martial arts (MMA) enable him to analyze fights and present his readers a distinct viewpoint. Throughout his writing career, Kevin has contributed to a number of reputable outlets.

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