Joe Rogan started his podcast back in 2009, over a decade after working for the UFC. Since then, he has come a long way, from having just himself and his co-host on the podcast to hosting the likes of Elon Musk and presidential candidates. However, his first crowning achievement was when he found out that Terminator star Arnold Schwarzenegger followed him on Twitter.
Rogan, at the time, was just 4 years into his podcast and was not that big of a name in the industry. However, he was starting to gain traction with views and shares.
So when he saw that the legendary bodybuilder and actor followed him, he immediately asked him to film an episode together,
“Holy s*it, I just found out that @Schwarzenegger follows me. Let’s do a podcast, you f*cking savage!”
Since then, things have changed for the better. Rogan has met and conversed with the legendary actor multiple times. However, he still hasn’t appeared on his podcast yet.
But every time he talks about Schwarzenegger, the UFC color commentator has nothing but praise for him, having been a huge fan of the ‘Terminator’.
Well on his latest podcast episode, Rogan spoke about the actor again. To be specific, he spoke about what it would be like to be his son.
Rogan pokes fun at Schwarzenegger’s son
Joe Rogan had the hosts of the Legion of Skanks on his podcast recently.
During episode #2206 of JRE, they started talking about what it would be like to be Elon Musk’s son but you were not smart at all.
Funny, since Musk has proven to be the opposite of smart with more than 80% reduced activity on Twitter since he shed the Tony Stark scales to take over the now godforsaken wasteland.
Regardless, getting back to Rogan, one of the guests on the podcast steered the conversation at the topic of how one of Schwarzenegger’s sons looked nothing like him, so Rogan responded saying,
” Sometimes, you just, you know, ‘f**k dad, I don’t even want to lift weights.”
The entire conversation was about having to live up to such high expectations. But Rogan was quick to point out that mostly, it doesn’t work that way.
It’s difficult to wake up and run in the morning when one sleeps on silk sheets. This is something that hits really close to the heart for UFC fans who have followed Conor McGregor’s career over the years.