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Dr. Mike Israetel Once Revealed His Hot Take on Consuming Egg Yolks for Fitness

Radha Iyer

Dr. Mike Israetel Reveals Tricks to Conquer the Four Ultimate Fat Loss Challenges

Something often debated in the fitness world is the correct way to consume eggs – just the whites without the yolk seems to be the popular choice. This method ensures that a fitness enthusiast only ingests the protein from the egg in the whites and skips the fats in the yellows. But Dr. Mike Israetel had some things to address in this phenomenon, which he did in a short video.

Speaking about the different components of eggs along with their nutrient composition, he first admired it as a rich source of healthy fats and proteins. In fact, the yolks contain a lot of high-quality protein that would benefit fitness enthusiasts. The only caveat to the situation is the associated calories that come in the yolk that one might be afraid to consume.

These calories often translate to the fat content that people try and refrain from consuming. However, Dr. Israetel not only assured that it was okay to do so, but he also felt that consuming the yolks might provide more benefits compared to just the egg whites.

The yolks contain carotenoids such as lutein, which are beneficial for the eyes and rich in Omega-3 fatty acids. This means that they help in brain development and add healthy fats to the body.

“Egg yolks are full of nutrients that you actually don’t find in egg whites…Actually, half of the protein in the egg is in the yolk.”

So if the fats from the yolk aren’t as bad and it is a rich source of protein, then including egg yolks in one’s routine shouldn’t cause too much hassle. Dr. Mike Israetel recommended that if fitness enthusiasts had a plan that allowed extra calories, then adding whole eggs could be extremely advantageous.

“Egg yolks…are quite neutral for your health as far as fat profile is concerned…”

Therefore, putting an end to this debate, Dr. Israetel put his opinion across that egg yolks were, in fact, not an evil substance in one’s fitness agenda. However, another substance could definitely cause some serious troubles, and he once spoke about it in disdain.

Dr. Mike Israetel Slams the Consumption of Alcohol

Indulging in alcoholic beverages is not a foreign concept since even fitness enthusiasts are occasionally known to do so. However, its effects on one’s health and wellness journey could cause some serious issues, and Dr. Israetel was ready to talk about it.

Calling it a ‘poison’, he explained how it eventually takes away from one’s musculature and aesthetics. The relaxing effects that it provides to the body dissipate just as quickly as it acts on it initially. In the end, alcohol’s biochemical consequences, including disrupted sleep and dehydrating properties, make it unworthy of indulgence for those who want to strictly focus on their fitness journeys.

About the author

Radha Iyer

Radha Iyer


Radha Iyer is a US Sports writer at The SportsRush. With a Master's degree in Media and Communication, and a background in content creation and production, sports journalism has been a part and parcel of her demonstrated history in the said field. Olympic sports hold a special place in her heart, and she is particularly interested in sports like track and field, gymnastics, and swimming. She also draws inspiration from legendary athletes like Michael Phelps, Usain Bolt, Simone Biles, and many more.

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