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Dr. Mike Israetel Unveils the ‘Dark Side of Steroids’ With Personal Anecdotes

Radha Iyer

Dr. Mike Israetel Unveils the ‘Dark Side of Steroids’ With Personal Anecdotes

Dr. Mike Israetel is one of the most popular influencers with useful and credible information about fitness and nutrition. Apart from being an exercise scientist, he also has been dipping his toes into bodybuilding, trying to create a pro-card-worthy physique. However, the journey isn’t easy and he’s willing to use external help in the form of TRT and anabolic steroids.

In a recent conversation with the internet-famous Dr. Mikhail ‘Mike’ Varshavski, Dr. Israetel talked about his routine, the downsides of his job, and the dark side of taking steroids. Since the subject was recently in the limelight, he was clean about his usage and effects.

To begin with, Dr. Israetel first picked up the topic of TRT usage and his views on people resorting to it. While being low on testosterone is a serious issue that comes with some significant symptoms, he firmly believed that not everyone has to opt for it as a solution.

TRT, or Testosterone Replacement Therapy, is generally adopted for a wide variety of reasons. However, Dr. Israetel admitted that it comes with a lot of hassle and side effects that not everyone is prepared for.

“What they want is a transformation…they want one thing that’s gonna make… everything better…and they think TRT is it because a lot of the testimonials you get about TRT are the good ones.”

He then went on to talk about his steroid use and how it has been affecting his life for the past few years. Dr. Mike has always been open about his anabolic intake, thus opening the room to awareness surrounding the subject. When asked about the ‘dark side’ he experienced, the scientist laughed dryly before coming clean.

“For me, the most proximate problems in my own personal life are the psychiatric problems. Anxiety like you would not believe…aggression… intrusive thoughts. I think about violence all the time.”

Furthermore, Dr. Israetel even admitted how the excessive steroid affected his cognitive ability since he felt his brain fog during a cycle. All of this was his price to pay for looking a certain way to ace bodybuilding competitions. However, quite naturally, such a risky step has drawn criticism from others, as Greg Doucette recently gave his take on the challenges Dr. Mike might face because of long-time steroid use.

Dr. Mike Israetel also drew attention from coach Greg Doucette for his steroid use

Addressing concerns surrounding Dr. Israetel’s steroid use and side effects, coach Doucette dedicated an entire video to the subject. He talked about some behind-the-scenes of the scientist’s training and how he had been incorporating extra help from the supplements. However, he firmly believed that if continued for too long, Dr. Israetel’s body might not react in favorable ways.

That being said, Doucette acknowledged the scientist’s extensive knowledge, awareness, and efforts toward educating the community. Hence, even if Dr. Mike was forced to resort to a hands-on experience with the anabolics, Doucette appreciated his contributions. He also confirmed that as long as the Doctor knew what he was getting into, he threw forth no judgment toward the hustle.

Post Edited By:Shraman Mitra

About the author

Radha Iyer

Radha Iyer


Radha Iyer is a US Sports writer at The SportsRush. With a Master's degree in Media and Communication, and a background in content creation and production, sports journalism has been a part and parcel of her demonstrated history in the said field. Olympic sports hold a special place in her heart, and she is particularly interested in sports like track and field, gymnastics, and swimming. She also draws inspiration from legendary athletes like Michael Phelps, Usain Bolt, Simone Biles, and many more.

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