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Dota 2 Hero Guide: Top 5 things Support players can do to improve their MMR

Gautham Balaji

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Dota 2 Hero Guide: Top 5 things Support players can do to improve their MMR. Supports are the unsung heroes of Dota 2. Here are 5 tips for aspiring support players, which will help them win games easily and improve their MMR.

Supporting in Dota 2 is an art in itself. Not only do you have to help your carry hero in the early game, you can set up your team for amazing teamfights that can turn the tide in your favor. Having said that, a support’s contribution is hardly even noticeable, but it is very impactful when done right.

In this article, we will be talking about the 5 key things you can do as a support player. These tips include things you can do in the early game, mid-game, and even in the late game. Implementing these things in-game will help not only become a better support player, but will also help you win games faster, with less pressure.

5 tips for support players to improve their MMR

Pulling & Stacking

Pulling the neutral camp into the path of the creep wave is immensely under-played in low MMRs. This helps your carry get more solo experience, while you are not starved of it either. It also helps your carry get the enemy creep wave under your tower, and last hit with more security.

Stacking will not only give you gold when the stacks are cleared, it will help your carry be more relaxed and comfortable, and hit the item timings faster.

Smoke Ganks

Purchasing a Smoke of Deceit and calling for Ganks is one of the best things you can do as a position 4 or position 5 support. This will help your team gain the upper-hand in the game with just 1 or 2 successful smoke plays.

Warding as per the game situation

To become a better support player, you should know when to ward, and more importantly, where to place wards so that it doesn’t get de-warded by the enemy. Always place sneaky wards near your team’s next objective.

Positioning in Fights

Positioning well in fights, and knowing which heroes on the enemy to avoid is key in surviving team fights. Most of the time, as a support, you are the first ones the enemy will look to kill. So, it is important not to over-extend.


Never become static in your lane. Once your carry has become powerful enough that he can farm without your help and not die, make rotations to help push out other lanes.

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