Love is Blind is a famous reality TV series where single contestants – both men and women – look for ideal partners to get engaged to. The original show had six seasons, and Netflix recently made one for the UK, which aired just a few days ago. Some fans, however, have connected it to F1 by noticing a similarity between Bobby from the show, and Lewis Hamilton.
In Love is Blind: UK, Bobby is dating Jasmine, and the two are now even engaged. The former – a 33-year-old musician- is one of two men to have initially formed a connection with Jasmine.
After watching Bobby closely, one fan took to Reddit to write, “I can’t stop thinking that Bobby looks like Lewis Hamilton”
I have no one else to share this with but I can’t stop thinking that Bobby looks like Lewis Hamilton
byu/isaidwhatisaidok inLoveIsBlindOnNetflix
In another post, they wrote, “There are many things different about their face structure. But there’s something about the eyes and the nose“. And they were not the only fans who thought so.
A reddit user also commented, “First thing I said to my wife when I saw him was ‘budget Lewis Hamilton’. He even has the exact same weird English-American accent.”
Am I the only one to think Bobby looks like Lewis Hamilton?
byu/MonitorConstant197 inLoveIsBlindOnNetflix
Most of the fans agree with the initial comparison. Some feel that the resemblance is uncanny, whereas others feel there are very slight similarities. Very few completely dismissed the thought with one writing a comment, “Don’t insult Lewis Hamilton like that lol apologize right!”
Hamilton himself has not responded to these claims yet. He is from the UK, so he would be aware of the comparisons being made to Bobby. So it would be interesting to see what the seven-time World Champion has to say about this.