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Prince of Persia The Lost Crown Previews are Out: Should You Buy the Game?

Adnan Juzar Kachwala


The Prince of Persia franchise has been a staple for Ubisoft for decades and it is now making a comeback. With the release of Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown, fans can go back to the routes of the PoP games when it was just a platformer in 2/2.5 D and not the 3D versions we got to know after the original trilogy. In this piece, we are going to explore the various aspects of the game in addition to seeing the previews of the game from various sites to see if it is worth purchasing.


  • Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown; Is It Worth Buying?
  • Gameplay and Story
  • What the Previews Say
  • The Playable Demo: How to Access It
  • The Verdict

Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown; Is It Worth Buying?

Prince of Persia The Lost Crown Gameplay
(Image via Ubisoft)

Prince of Persia fans haven’t gotten a game for quite a while. The last one was Forgotten Sands which was in the last decade and the Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time Remake went through development hell to never see the light of day. Now, fans have an opportunity to relish the franchise again going back to the roots of the early 2D side scroller when Prince of Persia was still considered a niche game.

Fans get the opportunity to explore the world of the franchise through revamped eyes. The graphics are new and something we haven’t seen from previous PoP games.

Gameplay and Story

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This is where older fans of the franchise will have a field day. The Lost Crown has a 2.5D environment which allows for linear gameplay and level-wise progression. This keeps the gameplay simple and prevents it from getting out of hand. The protagonist, Sargon has the same abilities the Prince did in previous titles. Sargon can wield twin blades, wall-run, and even dash toward his opponents.

Time-based powers return from previous titles allowing you to manipulate time to defeat opponents and platform through obstacles. The game has Metroidvania features with interconnected rooms and secret pathways. One can purchase upgrades for Sargon using Time Crystals which make gameplay easier. The combat is satisfying and delivers a Prince of Persia experience that is both familiar and unique at the same time.

There isn’t much to say about the story as Ubisoft has kept fans in the dark. Sargon is a member of a clan named The Immortals and his mission is to travel to Mount Qaf to rescue the kidnapped Prince Ghassan. However, Ubisoft knows how to blend the game’s story with the gameplay quite well which delivers a satisfying experience.

What the Previews Say

The previews for the game are out now and as far as anyone can tell, they are positive. Ubisoft, most of the time, has delivered the utmost quality with the Prince of Persia franchise and now with the release of their newest entry, are on the path of doing so again. As you can see from the X post above, most of the gaming websites that got hands-on experience with the game had only good things to say.

The aggregate score of the game comes out to the lower 80s. Essentially, it is one of the highest scores a Prince of Persia game has ever received. Although, it would be too early to jump the gun since fans haven’t had a chance to play the game themselves. However, there is a playable demo out there interested players can get their hands on.

The Playable Demo: How to Access It

There is a playable demo out for now for the PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Nintendo Switch, and Windows. Interested fans can access it through the respective stores on these consoles. The process to download the demo is quite simple. For Windows, head over to the Epic Games Store, connect your account to Ubisoft Connect, and then download the demo. Here are the download sizes for each console:

  • Nintendo Switch: 6.4 GB
  • PlayStation 4: 12.03 GB
  • PlayStation 5: 9.18 GB
  • Windows: 10.08 GB

The Verdict

Prince of Persia The Lost Crown Gameplay
(Image via Ubisoft)

Now for the question that everyone is wondering about, is this game worth buying? The answer is Yes. It is worth buying. If you are a Prince of Persia fan and want to experience the roots of the franchise again with the side-scrolling action in a 2.5D layout, then you should consider purchasing it. The title does most things right with good graphics, intriguing characters, smooth-flowing gameplay, and much more.

There are tons of other technical elements that the game does right but that is nothing to be concerned about if you are a fan of the franchise. The newer design, gameplay abilities, and upgrade system carry the game and do a good job of maintaining the reputation of one of the best Ubisoft franchises in existence.

About the author

Adnan Juzar Kachwala

Adnan Juzar Kachwala


Adnan Kachwala is a Gaming Journalist working as a Content Writer at The SportsRush. Adnan started covering Valorant when he watched Shroud dominate public matches with his aim. He wanted to write about Call of Duty ever since his first Nuclear in Black Ops II. He has an expertise in FPS games like Call of Duty and Valorant and has been covering them along with other games for more than two years. He has written more than 600 articles on both of those games along with other popular AAA titles. He has a Mass Media Degree with a Specialization in Journalism. Adnan has an expertise writing listicles related to Gaming and reviewing newer releases. When he is not making content, you can find him reading books, creating videos and watching Valorant Esports on Twitch.

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