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Chase Briscoe Reveals Dark Side of NASCAR Drivers Looking for Jobs in the Current Landscape

Nilavro Ghosh

Tony Stewart’s NASCAR Driver Chase Briscoe Livid Despite Top-10 Finish

The news of Stewart-Haas Racing completely stopping operations in the NASCAR Cup Series made life a lot tougher for its drivers. Chase Briscoe is one such driver who will be without a seat for next year and in a recent media interaction, he spoke about the challenges drivers like him were going to face to find a new job.

Social media has blown up in the last decade, such that it is an integral part of almost everyone’s life today. It also plays a part in what driver a team recruits or sponsors back. If one doesn’t have a good enough presence on social media, their chances of getting hired by a big team or being sponsored by a big company are slim. Driving skills and race craft are not the only things that matter anymore.

“You know how many followers you have is a big thing on how sellable you are and how attracted people are to you so it is different. 15 years ago nobody cared how many Twitter followers or Instagram you have but now certainly they do, for sure the sponsors do, so it has changed, the landscape of how we do things,” the SHR driver said.

Despite the uncertainty surrounding his future, Briscoe is looking forward to the upcoming Cup Series race at the Iowa Speedway.

Chase Briscoe looking forward to Iowa’s return

Iowa is a special place for the driver of the #14 car. After all, he is the last NASCAR driver to win a race at the venue but it was not in the Cup Series. So going back there as a competitor in the top flight of stock car racing competition means a lot to the SHR driver.

“I’m super excited. Every week we typically have meet-and-greets with sponsors and there’s always the question of ‘what’s your favorite racetrack?’ And it’s always Iowa. I would always say, ‘Well, we don’t go there in the Cup Series, but it’s Iowa Speedway,’ and now we finally get to there in the Cup Series. I’m super excited,” he said as per Speedway Media.

Briscoe hopes to have a positive run at a track that is special to him and hopefully give Stewart-Haas Racing a race win in their final Cup Series season.

Post Edited By:Srijan Mandal

About the author

Nilavro Ghosh

Nilavro Ghosh


Nilavro is a NASCAR journalist at The SportsRush. His love for motorsports began at a young age with F1 and spread out to other forms of racing like NASCAR and Moto GP. After earning his post-graduate degree from the Asian College of Journalism in 2020, he has mostly worked as a motorsports journalist. Apart from covering racing, his passion lies in making music primarily as a bass player.

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