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After Besting Kings in 2002, Shaquille O’Neal’s ‘Obscene’ Mooning Found Stepfather Phillip Harrison’s Support: “He Has a Temper”

Nithin Joseph

After Besting Kings in 2002, Shaquille O'Neal's 'Obscene' Mooning Found Stepfather Phillip Harrison's Support: "He Has a Temper"

Shaquille O’Neal is one of the most respected figures in the world of sports. But, he wasn’t always the most disciplined, both during his playing days and especially, growing up. In fact, his antics more often than not led to him butting heads with his stepfather, Sgt. Phillip Harrison.

Back in 2002, Shaq’s antics came back to the forefront. After Game 7 of the Western Conference Finals against the Sacramento Kings, Big Diesel decided to moon the Kings fans at the ARCO arena. An unsightly gesture, to say the least, that angered his mother Lucille O’Neal.

However, as he revealed in his book Shaq Uncut, Sgt. Harrison wasn’t angry. Much to his surprise, his stepfather, who always questioned every single thing he did, understood his actions.

Shaquille O’Neal had his stepfather’s support after he mooned Kings fans in 2002

In 2002, the Los Angeles Lakers took on the Sacramento Kings in the Western Conference Finals. It was quite the controversial series that saw the Lakers come out on top. But, the Kings and their fans weren’t happy and called foul play.

Sacramento claimed that the NBA had rigged the series for the Lakers to win. And, while he is a self-proclaimed big “conspiracy theory” guy, these claims didn’t sit well with Shaquille O’Neal. So, he decided to deal with it in the only way he knew how. While on the bus leaving the ARCO arena after Game 7, Shaq decided to moon the home fans.

An immature act to say the least, and one that did not sit well with his mother. And, if his mother didn’t like it, it would be safe to assume his stepfather was livid. However, in a surprising turn of events, Sgt. Phillip Harrison didn’t lose his temper. In fact, he understood his son’s actions, chalking it down to his emotions getting the best of him.

“On the way out I mooned their fans. My mother didn’t like that. If I had thought about Lucille before I did it, it would have stopped me in my tracks. Sarge wasn’t too crazy about it, either, but he has a temper so he understands sometimes your emotions get the best of you.”

Granted, while he did understand, he wasn’t pleased about it. But, then again, he has gotten angry at Shaq for far worse things. Including and not limited to nearly killing a child.

Shaq received his worst beating after he sent a kid into an epileptic seizure

Mooning Kings fans was not enough to earn Sgt. Phillip Harrison’s ire. It was a minimal offense compared to some of the more horrendous things Shaquille O’Neal had done. In fact, the time Harrison’s wrath was at its worst was when The Big Aristotle nearly killed a child. Pent up from all the beating he received from his stepfather, Shaq once beat up a kid to the point where he went into an epileptic seizure.

Fortunately, the child was saved, but the four-time NBA Champion got his worst beating when he returned home that night.

The beatings clearly had an effect on Shaq. And, while it should never be an option, it is part of the reason, alongside his father’s teachings, that he has become the role model that he is today.

About the author

Nithin Joseph

Nithin Joseph


Nithin is a content writer at The SportsRush. Like his favorite athlete Kobe Bryant, the company has helped Nithin elevate his writing skills to a whole new level, especially as an NBA content writer. With over 1500 articles to his name, Nithin's love for the sport knows no bounds. And, as he continues to watch the sport on a daily basis, he hopes his fascination with the NBA, especially the Miami Heat will inspire more and more readers to give the sport a chance. Perhaps, one day making basketball in India as big as it is in the United States.

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