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Decades Before Trusting Father With $2,000,000 Business, Michael Jordan Found Biggest ‘Non-believer’ in James Jordan

Nithin Joseph

Decades Before Trusting Father With $2,000,000 Business, Michael Jordan Found Biggest 'Non-believer' in James Jordan

Michael Jordan is one of the most well-known athletes in the world. And, one of the reasons for this was his massive game-changing deal with Nike. A deal, that came to life thanks in part to his parents James Jordan and Deloris Jordan. But, while James was proud of his son’s success and even ran his $2 million worth Flight 23 business at one time, he did not expect much from MJ as a child. In fact, as revealed in the book Michael Jordan: The Life, he often undermined his son’s abilities.

As time progressed, His Airness found a staunch supporter in his father James. He was always in Michael’s corner and supported his son through thick and thin. However, this was a stark contrast to how things were back when he was a kid. To the point, where he even sent a young Jordan back into the house to hang out with the women instead of the men.

Michael Jordan was constantly undermined by his father James Jordan as a child before he became his biggest supporter

Very little affected Michael Jordan when it came to basketball. He was tough as nails and had a competitive drive that was solely focused on winning. However, there were times when he did have a tendency to take things personally, driving him toward success. But, where did he get this mindset from?

Well, it’s all thanks to someone who was once his biggest supporter, his father James Jordan. Growing up, MJ was the runt of the litter, especially among his brothers. His father often leaned on them, but the same did not go for His Airness. In fact, one particular incident was perhaps what put him on the path to becoming the GOAT.

Back when he was a kid, Michael’s brothers would often help their father fix cars, seeing as he was a mechanic. They knew all the lingo and understood what their father was asking of them when he worked. But, when a young MJ tried to provide his assistance, his lack of knowledge prompted his father to tell him to go in and stay with the women, challenging his masculinity and fuelling his competitive nature.

“Many of the things that deeply offended Michael Jordan were hardly the stuff of stinging rebuke, except perhaps the very first one, which, as it later turned out, was the most important of all. “Just go on in the house with the women.” Of the millions of sentences that James Jordan uttered to his youngest son, this was the one that glowed neon-bright across the decades.”

Of course, things changed after MJ’s future as a basketball superstar was guaranteed. The six-time NBA Champion even entrusted his father with some of his business interests. A decision that did not end well.

James Jordan drove MJ’s $2 million business into the ground

Despite assuming that Michael Jordan wasn’t capable of handling tasks as a child, James Jordan learned otherwise once his son grew up. MJ was more than capable of getting the job done, hence his high level of success. MJ thrived both on the court and off it, building his brand and reaching new heights.

In fact, he even entrusted a $2 million business to his father James in the form of the Flight 23 stores. However, James’ poor business acumen put Michael in a pickle. His father had failed to pay taxes and even suppliers and would reportedly drink at odd hours.

His Airness would eventually close down the business, which left him and his family embarrassed. Following this incident, he vowed never to do business with his family. A wise decision considering all that had occurred.

About the author

Nithin Joseph

Nithin Joseph


Nithin is a content writer at The SportsRush. Like his favorite athlete Kobe Bryant, the company has helped Nithin elevate his writing skills to a whole new level, especially as an NBA content writer. With over 1500 articles to his name, Nithin's love for the sport knows no bounds. And, as he continues to watch the sport on a daily basis, he hopes his fascination with the NBA, especially the Miami Heat will inspire more and more readers to give the sport a chance. Perhaps, one day making basketball in India as big as it is in the United States.

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