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Dwyane Wade has Unyielding Faith in God and it Helped him Give Away $20 Million

Jeet Pukhrambam

Dwayne Wade has Unyielding Faith in God and it Helped him Give Away $20 Million

Players like Dwyane Wade are the idealized versions of what people from the NBA should be like. A devout Christian, has a loving wife and children, and is also very humble. In his own ways we suppose. He is a kind-hearted human and this act of selflessness is the focal point of our story today.

Throughout his life, Dwyane Wade has always stayed true to his Christian roots and he has stressed on this point several times. The values Wade has picked up in life is what has made him such a standout figure among NBA greats.

And his act of kindness simply sets him apart. Like most athletes, he does indulge in a fair bit of splurging. However, what separates him is that he also donates his wealth. And that is due to the fact that Wade follows the teachings of the Bible.

Also read: Dwyane Wade’s Take on Tom Brady’s ‘Retirement Route’ Which Later Led to Gisele Bundchen Divorce and $250M Problem

From Jersey number 3 to giving away $20 million, all according to the Bible

Wade’s Jersey number is 3, which represents the holy trinity. Yes, that is actually the reason behind him picking the 3 that is Miami’s most famous jersey. Dwyane’s life has been deeply influenced by religion.

And one of the teachings of the Bible is to donate a sum of your earnings. Particularly, 10% of your total earnings. In his NBA career, Wade has earned nearly $200 million and 10% of that is a hefty sum. However, for Dwyane, servitude to god meant more.

He gave away $20 million. We estimate. In the bible there is tithe, where you are required to give away 10% of whatever you make, be it crops, war spoils, or money to the church. And Wade has abided by this commandment throughout his life.

Of course, he didn’t part away with it all at once, instead, he did it fairly frequently. Wade’s faith in god is strengthened by his mother. And he even brought her a church.

Also read: Dwyane Wade, Who Wasted $2.6 Million In 1 Year, Used His First Paycheck On A ‘Tacky’ $70,000 Luxury Item

A devout Christian, Dwyane Wade has abided by the Church all his life

You might think being an NBA superstar means a life of luxury and prosperity. That is not true, they are all humans and they also face the same trials and tribulations that we do.

In 2008, Wade was embroiled in a messy divorce, his parents also had the same experience and those events can be traumatising. Throughout his life, Wade has always touched on the fact that his belief and faith in god have helped him.

When asked about giving back and tithe he says,  “I’m a firm believer in the Bible. I believe everything in there. I’m given so much, so giving 10 percent back to God is nothing to me. That’s why I do it, and I don’t think twice about it.”

Staying true to himself and in a way finding the virtue of life through faith is comendable. We think more players should follow his footsteps.

Also read: Dwyane Wade Motivated Joakim Noah to Not Quit Basketball With a Small Gesture Despite the Rivalry

About the author

Jeet Pukhrambam

Jeet Pukhrambam


Jeet Pukhrambam is The SportsRush's Lead Editor for Basketball. After freelancing for five years as an independent writer, Jeet created thousands of blog posts and articles. He now covers intriguing news reports and throwback stories on all things NBA. His interest in NBA started with the ascendancy of Giannis Antetokounmpo in the 2016-17 season. Since then, Jeet has managed to coalesce his knowledge of the game and his writing to create pieces that are reflective of the current state of the league. Now, he ensures that The SportsRush produces the highest quality of writing. In his free time, he enjoys playing football, cooking, traveling, and dancing to techno. Jeet takes pride in his critical thinking, music playlists, and his love for spaghetti.

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