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“For Tiger Woods, it’s now about his quality of life and being there for his kids”: Stephen Curry talks about Tiger’s tragic accident and how it impacted him

Raahib Singh

"For Tiger Woods, it’s now about his quality of life and being there for his kids": Stephen Curry talks about Tiger's tragic accident and how it impacted him

Warriors’ star Stephen Curry talks about how the news of Tiger Woods’ accident impacted him, hopes for a full recovery.

Around about 24 hours ago, the news of Tiger Woods’ car suffering a tragic crash aired. Woods was on his way to his annual Genesis Invitational golf tournament when he suffered the crash. Seeing the photos of the crash, everyone feared for Woods’ life, but thankfully he is stable now and is out of danger.

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Authorities used special tools to get Woods out of his car, and took him to Harbor-UCLA Medical Center. There he underwent surgery on his legs. His injuries are non-life-threatening, and he’s awake now and is responding.

Stephen Curry talks about how the news of Tiger Woods’ crash put him in a dark place

The past year has not been kind to anyone. There was a global pandemic, a lot of people died, and we bid adieu to a lot of people. Talking about Tiger Woods and the news of his accident, Stephen Curry said,

“It’s very unfortunate this day and age when you get a text like that and hear about Tiger. Obviously your mind goes, well for me, it went to a dark place. Thankfully, he didn’t have any life-threatening injuries, but it’s just unfortunate and sad knowing all that he’s been through these last couple of years. So, thankfully, he’s okay, from what I hear. I don’t know too many details.”

Curry also went on to point out how big of a golf fan he is, and how much he enjoys watching Woods play. However, Curry believes its not about Golf now, it’s about getting healthy and being there for his kids.

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NBA Players react to the Tiger Woods accident

The NBA world was taken aback by the news of Tiger Woods suffering a tragic crash. A lot of players put out tweets praying and hoping for Woods and his health.

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Hopefully, the golfing legend makes a full recovery, and one hopes we can see him out on the golf course again soon.

About the author

Raahib Singh

Raahib Singh


Raahib Singh is an NBA Journalist and Content Strategist at The SportsRush. A Computer Science Engineer by qualification, Raahib's passion for sports drew him towards TSR. He started playing basketball at 14 and has been following the NBA since 2013. His entry into the basketball world perfectly coincided with Stephen Curry putting the league on notice. Having followed the league for a long time, he decided to use his knowledge to become a sportswriter with The SportsRush in 2020. Raahib loves to put up some shots in his spare time, watch Cricket, Formula 1, and/or read a nice thriller.

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