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Getting Roasted For Being Old, 33 Y/o Michael Jordan Hilariously Got Questioned On How He Got Up From His Rocking Chair By Bernie Mac

Nithin Joseph

Getting Roasted For Being Old, 33 Y/o Michael Jordan Hilariously Got Questioned On How He Got Up From His Rocking Chair By Bernie Mac

In 1996, toward the end of his full season back in the NBA, Michael Jordan was roasted by Bernie Mac. Having just celebrated his 33rd birthday, there were many who believed MJ was entering the twilight years of his career. Mac, a Chicago native, was one of the many who called Mike out on his age. A renowned comedian, considered to be one of the greatest of all time, Mac interviewed His Airness and asked him about his return to the league. In particular, he wondered whether or not age was making things difficult. Even alluding to Jordan having to get out of his “rocking chair” to dust off his sneakers.

Interestingly, Mac wasn’t the only one having such doubts. The media, in general, had concerns about Jordan’s age and his return to the NBA. However, in true GOAT fashion, Jordan proved the neigh sayers wrong. Not only did he have a huge impact upon his return, but he also led the Chicago Bulls to the regular season wins record and what’s more, a fourth NBA Championship.

Comedian Bernie Mac once hilariously roasted Michael Jordan for his age back in 1996

The Chicago Bulls made history in the 1995-1996 season. As mentioned earlier, not only did they win a fourth NBA Championship, but they also broke the regular season wins record. However, before they could make history, Michael Jordan, the leader of the Bulls was questioned by an unlikely interviewer. Comedian Bernie Mac had a few queries following one of the Bulls’ games.

Interviewing Jordan, who was decked out in a suit, Mac questioned the GOAT about his age. Having just returned from playing baseball, many believed MJ wouldn’t be capable of leading the Bulls to another championship. But, everyone, except Mac was too afraid to question him about it. Fortunately, the comedian went in wondering how he felt at the age of 33, questioning what it felt like to get out of his “rocking chair” and labeling him as “old man Jordan.” All, in jest, of course.

It was a hilarious interview, one that even Jordan, who usually doesn’t like being called out, couldn’t help but laugh at. Nevertheless, he did prove the doubters wrong. While many believed he was a shadow of his former self at the age of 33, Jordan showed them otherwise

Over the next three seasons, Jordan delivered three championships to the city of Chicago. He won three Finals MVPs, and two regular season MVPs, all while averaging around 29 points, six rebounds, and four assists per game. A comeback that proved that he was undeniably one of the greatest players of all time.

MJ once claimed he wasn’t getting older but wiser when questioned about his age

Age has always been a concern for every athlete. But Michael Jordan handled it with poise and grace. While the rest of the world was questioning his age, Jordan knew exactly what he was doing. In fact, he once put all the age-related questions to bed with one answer, and that was that he was not getting older but wiser with it.

To be fair to Jordan, he was absolutely right. Even after retiring in 1998, he came back to play basketball just two years later. And, while he wasn’t even close to his former athletic self, he still managed to wow audiences with his exceptional scoring ability. A testament to his greatness as a basketball player.

About the author

Nithin Joseph

Nithin Joseph


Nithin is a content writer at The SportsRush. Like his favorite athlete Kobe Bryant, the company has helped Nithin elevate his writing skills to a whole new level, especially as an NBA content writer. With over 1500 articles to his name, Nithin's love for the sport knows no bounds. And, as he continues to watch the sport on a daily basis, he hopes his fascination with the NBA, especially the Miami Heat will inspire more and more readers to give the sport a chance. Perhaps, one day making basketball in India as big as it is in the United States.

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