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Jamie Foxx Concurs With Doc Rivers on His Astute Take on LeBron James and Michael Jordan

Trikansh Kher

Jamie Foxx Concurs With Doc Rivers On His Astute Take On LeBron James And Michael Jordan

With LeBron James now at the tail-end of his career, the comparisons between him and Michael Jordan have become more active than before. In reality, James has been hunting the ghost of Jordan for some time now, and ‘The Chosen One’ has certainly etched his name as one of the greatest, if not the greatest, basketball players in NBA history. Even Bucks head coach, Doc Rivers, seems to agree with the notion.

An Instagram page, lbjhistory‘, shared a clip from an interview where Coach Rivers sided with LBJ when asked about the GOAT debate,

“The difference between Michael and LeBron is that when Michael came into the league, he surprised everyone how great he was. When LeBron came into the league, they expected him to be great, so it was already on him. Michael, in some ways, we allowed him to grow into greatness. We didn’t allow LeBron that, and he is still overachieved.”


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Rivers doesn’t seem to be alone in his opinion about LeBron as, actor/comedian, Jamie Foxx also commented on his Instagram post, writing “Preach” in response to Rivers’ comments about the King.

While in this debate, NBA enthusiasts have their own pick and reasons to back it, comparing two superstars of completely different eras isn’t justified. The question of who is better between them could have only been answered if they matched up on the court, which never happened.

LeBron James and MJ never played in the same era

Jordan retired for the final time just a season before LeBron joined the league in 2003. Regardless, he was way past his prime when he suited up for the Wizards, and most probably any matchup between him and the four-time NBA champion would have been a one-sided affair.

But LBJ isn’t the only one who has challenged Jordan for the throne. Wilt Chamberlain, whom many considered the greatest player of all time, prior to Mike, wasn’t pleased when he heard Jordan’s name was being put next to him.

Trail Blazers legend, Bill Walton, even recalled the time that Jordan and Wilt argued back and forth for hours about the greatest player of all time,

“We’re in this one room, and it’s just 50 players. Over in the corner are Wilt and Michael Jordan. And they’re sitting at a table, arguing vociferously as to who the greatest player of all time was. They’re going back and forth and just, it’s just intense as could be.”

In the end, former NBA commissioner David Stern had to intervene and break up the argument between them as it reached its boiling point and things slowly started to escalate.

It’s a known fact that MJ was one of the fiercest competitors in the game with a ‘never give up’ attitude. However, LBJ has been one of the best teammates and basketball minds ever. The two have achieved a number of accolades in their career which are best to be rejoiced separately.

Post Edited By:Hitesh Nigam

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Trikansh Kher

Trikansh Kher

Trikansh Kher is a writer at The Sports Rush. A lawyer by education, Trikansh has always been around sports. As a young track athlete Trikansh was introduced to basketball through 'street ball' mixtapes. He was hooked and it has been 'ball is life' ever since. Trikansh is a designer by profession, but couldn't keep away from basketball. A regular on the blacktop, his love for the game goes further than just hooping. If Trikansh isn't going through box scores for last night's game, you can find him in his studio working on his designs or playing squash at the local club.

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