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NBA 2K21 Patch 1.05 Notes : What’s fixed and what’s not in NBA 2k21 next gen new patch?

The SportsRush Desk

NBA 2K21 Patch 1.05 Notes : What's fixed and what's not in NBA 2k21 next gen new patch?

NBA 2K21 patch 1.05 went live some time ago for next gen console users. The news comes as something much needed after multiple reports of Bugs in the game.

NBA 2k series is one of the most popular game series in the market. With many fans playing the game daily there is a very healthy community of players of the game. The game is also very frequently updated with new content throughout. The 1.05 patch for the game was released a bit earlier for Xbox one and PS4 consoles. While the fix for the next gen consoles like PS5 and Xbox Series X was released today.

NBA 2K21 patch 1.05 for next gen users –

There were some serious bugs faced by players of the game on next gen consoles. Some of these were expected to be fixed in the new patch. That although is not what seems to have taken place. The northside court is still there in the game even after the patch. Quite a few issues include the AI, crashing, stuttering, audio and more. According to the patch the issues were fixed along with some other issues like stability and performance improvements.

How to get 2x REP for 15 hours by Voting –

There is a new event in game for Voting for the mayor. It means voting for your favorite content creators who would go on to represent their affiliations. To cast their votes players simply need to head down to the city hall. The mayors will perform a variety of tasks such as making new videos, playlists and custom uniforms. Their creativity will be on full flow with court and mural design. They can also post messages, polls and communicate with the community. After casting your vote players will be rewarded 2X REP for a certain amount of time in the game.

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The SportsRush Desk

The SportsRush Desk

The SportsRush Desk

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