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When ‘Late Bloomer’ Dennis Rodman Confessed He Was Years Behind Shaquille O’Neal: “Want to Date You”

Nithin Joseph

When 'Late Bloomer' Dennis Rodman Confessed He Was Years Behind Shaquille O'Neal: "Want to Date You"

A late bloomer is someone whose talents or achievements manifest later in life than expected. By that definition, Dennis Rodman was a late bloomer. The Hall of Famer only began playing basketball in college and took his time becoming one of the best in the world. A stark contrast to another fellow great, Shaquille O’Neal, who was a high school phenom.

In his book, I Should Be Dead by Now, The Worm draws comparisons between himself and Shaq. In particular, he focuses on how his rise to stardom only began late into his college career. Whereas, Big Diesel found fame in junior high. Something he confesses may not always be a good thing.

Dennis Rodman believes Shaquille O’Neal’s early rise to fame may not have been a good thing

Shaquille O’Neal is undoubtedly one of the greatest players of all time. He was a unicorn, a generational talent, one who dominated all his opponents. Such was the case, even before he made it to the NBA, seeing as he was a highly touted prospect.

This is a huge difference when compared to Dennis Rodman. The Worm only blossomed as a player late into his college years. But, as he explains in his book, that wasn’t necessarily a bad thing. Giving his take on players like Shaq, Rodman explained what life may have been like for a high school sensation.

He suggests that The Big Aristotle’s success on the basketball court may have translated to a great social life. More friends, more women, and of course more praise. However, he believes that at some point in time, these players come to a realization. A realization that it’s not the people are attracted to, but rather the money and fame that comes with them.

“For guys like Shaq, it begins in junior high school. If you’re good on the basketball floor, you’ll have many ‘friends,’ because they see the potential down the road. Then you start noticing how things change. Suddenly you’re a whole lot smarter nobody disagrees with you you’re a lot better looking, and women who wouldn’t piss on you if you were on fire suddenly want to date you. You can do no wrong. The money you haven’t made yet starts making friends on its own. Later when you finally realize the money and fame are more attractive than you are, it’s like ‘F**k!’ But you can’t dwell on it.”

Granted, it took years for Rodman to reach Shaq’s level of success, but at the end of the day, they both ended up in the same place. Two Hall of Fame talents who will long be remembered as two of the best to ever do it.

Rodman who was jealous of Shaq’s salary had his fair share of battles with the big fella back in the day

During a heated game between the Lakers and the Bulls in 1996, Shaquille O’Neal and Dennis Rodman engaged in a physical altercation. Their on-court clash resulted in both players being ejected, reflecting their intense competitive spirits.

However, despite their same intense love for competition, their salaries varied considerably. In fact, it was a subject that irked The Worm quite a bit and even put him at odds with the NBA. He often voiced his dissatisfaction with the money he earned, leading to public disputes and contract negotiations that highlighted his complex financial relationship with the league.

The financial issues aside, both Rodman and Shaq have a considerably amicable relationship today. Both are thriving and doing quite well for themselves.

About the author

Nithin Joseph

Nithin Joseph


Nithin is a content writer at The SportsRush. Like his favorite athlete Kobe Bryant, the company has helped Nithin elevate his writing skills to a whole new level, especially as an NBA content writer. With over 1500 articles to his name, Nithin's love for the sport knows no bounds. And, as he continues to watch the sport on a daily basis, he hopes his fascination with the NBA, especially the Miami Heat will inspire more and more readers to give the sport a chance. Perhaps, one day making basketball in India as big as it is in the United States.

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