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“Great-Granddaughter Isn’t Off Limits Either”: Jason Whitlock Drops a Bombshell on Bill Belichick’s Romantic Preference

Suresh Menon

“Great-Granddaughter Isn’t Off Limits Either”: Jason Whitlock Drops a Bombshell On Bill Belichick’s Romantic Preference

When it comes to dishing out cold truths, no sports analyst comes close to veteran journalist Jason Whitlock. The highly opinionated journalist couldn’t resist giving his take on one of the most trending topics in the American sports world — the relationship of 72-year-old Bill Belichick with 24-year-old Jordon Hudson. Just like the majority, Whitlock wasn’t a fan of the age gap between the two; therefore, he had some brutal words in store for the legendary NFL coach.

In his latest YouTube video, Whitlock disclosed that what irked him the most about this relationship was the fact that Belichick, at the age where most men become grandfathers, was dating a woman who should be his granddaughter’s age. This led Jason to the assessment that Belichick is a “clown” who, if given a chance, wouldn’t shy away from dating someone who should ideally be his great-granddaughter’s age.

“When you’re a grandfather, dating someone your granddaughter’s age, that indicates that the great-granddaughter isn’t off-limits either. That’s the kind of clown that Bill Belichick is making himself out to be,” he said.

The veteran journalist continued his rant, albeit on a different tangent, as he proceeded to accuse Belichick of being part of a conspiracy theory. Per Whitlock, the former Patriots coach, dating a 24-year-old, is an act of “sexual immorality” that successful men have to partake in to climb up the ladder.

“We have built a culture and a society that if you want to ascend to the very top, there’s a level of sexual immorality that you must participate in order to move up. In order to to reach the very top of your profession,” Whitlock continued.

After ranting about the conspiracy theory, Whitlock calmed down and revealed that he wouldn’t have gotten this worked up if Belichick was dating someone appropriate to his age. Jason also wholeheartedly believes that having an age gap like this is the best way for a woman to be a widow at a young age.

Whitlock Expands on His Concerns Over Belichick Dating 24-Year-Old Jordon Hudson

During his recent chat with former NFL wideout TJ Moe, Jason argued that if Belichick was dating a 52-year-old woman or a woman who is mature enough to understand what’s going on and has experienced life, he wouldn’t have any issues. “If Bill Belichick were dating a 52-year-old, I wouldn’t bat an eye,Whitlock said.

Since Hudson is in her early 20s, the journalist might believe that she is still naïve to an extent. On the other hand, Moe added that statistically, since women live longer, if the duo does marry, Hudson may end up a widow for a considerable period.

While most discourse around this topic has been blaming and questioning Hudson’s motives in this relationship, it’s fresh to see a different perspective on the table by Jason Whitlock.

That said, at the end of the day, it’s the couple’s choice how they want to take this forward. Hudson, in her own right, is a psychology major. So, it’s safe to assume that both are equipped enough to make the best decision for themselves.

About the author

Suresh Menon

Suresh Menon


Suresh Menon is an NFL writer at The SportsRush with over 700 articles to his name. Early in his childhood, Suresh grew up admiring the famed BBC of Juventus making the Italian club his favorite. His love for soccer however soon translated to American football when he came across a Super Bowl performance from his Favourite Bruno Mars. Tom Brady’s performance in the finals left an imprint on him and since then, he has been a die hard Brady fan. Thus his love for the sport combined with his flair for communication is the reason why he decided to pursue sports journalism at The SportsRush. Beyond football, in his free time, he is a podcast host and likes spending time solving the Rubik’s cube.

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