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Jets Analyst Explains Why Aaron Rodgers Missing Minicamp is “Not a Big Deal”

Aditya Rajput

"Attended Practice On One Leg": Aaron Rodgers Finds Aggressive Support From Some Parts Of NFL World

The absence of Aaron Rodgers from the NY Jets mini-camp has become a hot topic for discussion. There has been a lot of speculation on where the veteran QB zipped off to during his absence. While many have questioned his dedication and commitment to the team, Jets analyst Will Parkinson is not too bothered by this absence.

The analyst made it clear that while Rodgers missing the minicamp might not be the ideal situation, its actual downsides are close to none. For him, the most important fact is that Rodgers has been working hard to rehabilitate his leg and to be ready for the next season. Additionally, Rodgers got in his team practice during the OTAs so there’s really nothing to be worried about. He explained,

In an ideal world you would have loved to see Aaron Rogers at mandatory minicamp doing virtually nothing but just being there. You know being the leader we all want him to be for those two days all of that’s fair. That [being] said it’s not a big deal, I simply think it’s pretty much a non-story.”

Ever since Rodgers’ “unexcused” absence from the mandatory minicamp was announced, there has been a lot of speculation about what he could be up to. Coach Saleh revealed that the Jets QB had to miss camp due to a prior commitment that was really important for him.

Analyst Rich Eisen predicted that Rodgers is probably on a trip overseas and Parkison thinks there could be some truth to that.

Is Aaron Rodgers Out of the Country?

While the Jets coaching staff has made it clear that this was a leave they were informed of,  no one has revealed Rodgers’ whereabouts. There were several speculations made by different analysts and fans. However, Parkinson hinted that Rich Eisen’s prediction was the closest.

A few days ago, Eisen predicted that Rodgers might have taken a trip to Egypt. While the ESPN host was just speculating, Parkinson all but confirmed it. While speaking about Eisen’s speculation, Parkinson said,

“I would say, without saying, Rich is very much on to something there. It’s the best I will go with this time but Rich is on to something. And he’s not far off I would say.”

While nothing is confirmed yet, it seems like Rodgers might indeed be out of the country. While the rest of the Jets team seems to be gearing up for the upcoming season, their QB could very well be somewhere near Egypt. As everyone awaits an answer as to Rodgers’ whereabouts, the central focus is going to be the reason behind his absence.

Post Edited By:Nidhi

About the author

Aditya Rajput

Aditya Rajput


Aditya Rajput is an NFL writer at The Sports Rush. Aditya has a blazing interest in the NFL and has been watching the sport since high school. He has been an avid watcher of the game and understands the nuances of the sport. He has been partial to the Kansas City Chiefs with one exception: Tom Brady.

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