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Fousey gets into a physical altercation with N3on and Jack Doherty at his house

Nilotpal Chakraborty

Fousey argues and fights with N3on and Jack Doherty

Yousef “Fousey” Saleh Erakat became a prominent YouTuber and live streamer because of his comedy and interview content. But now he is viral all over the internet for his controversial and aggressive behavior towards other people.

Two recent videos uploaded on X (Twitter) showed Fousey indulging in a verbal and physical altercation with Rangesh “N3on” Mutama and Jack Doherty. Fousey has portrayed such aggressive behavior in the past. He was seen fighting and trying to hit his colleague on stream. And another video went viral where he was seen fighting with his assistant cum girlfriend before asking her to leave. 

Let’s dive in to see why Fousey portrayed aggressive behavior towards N3on and Jack Doherty. Let us also take a look at what the online community has to say about the situation. 

Fousey uses abusive language and fights with N3on

The fight took place between Fousey and N3on at Fousey’s house. N3on tells Fousey that he thinks himself to be perfect but lets him know that he is far from perfect. Fousey immediately slaps N3on stating that he thinks himself to be perfect. Fousey continues to add that he had prayed to Allah and asked him for forgiveness for all his sins. Later he tells N3on to respect his elders and get the f**k out of his house. 

The verbal altercation later continues about allowing some stranger to eat Fousey’s food before he could take a bite. Fousey then calls N3on a f**cking b*tch and throws food at him. N3on calls Fousey dumba** so Fousey immediately forces him to get out of his house. Fousey adds that he is not going to tolerate any disrespect at his home and states “F**k you Faggot” while N3on steps out of his house. 

Fousey gets into an argument and fights with Jack Doherty

The same situation arises when Jack Doherty tells Fousey that he is a f**cking Baiter. Fousey was seen to immediately throw water at Jack. Jack immediately tells Fousey that he is b*tch. Jack proceeds to add that he has not received his Kick money yet. In the meantime, Jack Doherty grabs a water bottle and throws water at Fousey. This gets him angry and immediately proceeds to slap Jack Doherty. 

Jack continues to make fun of him and states that he also slaps and punches like a b*tch. Fousey immediately answers that he slapped the dog sh*t out of him. He says that he had all five fingers on his face. Fousey is taken away from Jack and he proceeds to tell Fousey that he was a b*tch, no one wants him, and that he had a sad life. Fousey was immediately seen spitting on the floor while walking out. 

The online community is not happy with Fosuey’s behavior. Here is what they have to say about his aggressive behavior. 

Fousey has also been facing trouble for his controversial behavior when with and without people. Click here to know why Fosuey was banned from Twitch two times in a row and in just a week.

About the author

Nilotpal Chakraborty

Nilotpal Chakraborty


Nilotpal Chakraborty is a E-Sports and Media Journalist currently working as a streaming content writer under the Gaming and E-Sports department of The SportsRush. He has been a vivid viewer of live streams, YouTube content, TV shows, and movies for more than 5 years. Using such knowledge he has written more than 500 articles having been in the field for around 3 years. Apart from online content, he loves traveling, and snapping pictures and definitely craves Indian and international delicacies. You may also find him making the delicacies at home.

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