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“He is getting the help he needs” – Fousey updates his situation at the mental hospital, his security is in favor of the streamer getting help

Nilotpal Chakraborty

Fousey gives updates his fans about his mental hospital situation

Yousef “Fousey” Saleh Erakat could be easily recognized for his interview and comedy-based content as a YouTuber and live streamer. But nowadays, he is viral for his seemingly erratic behavior. It was just a few days back that Fousey got arrested in Miami and then brought to a hospital for a mental health examination. 

Recently Fousey gave his fans a complete rundown about his hospital situation. He claimed he was not going to stay in the hospital for long and would be out soon. But one of his security guys had a completely different story to say. 

So let’s dive in to understand what Fousey had to say about his stay at the hospital and take a look at his personal security’s opinion. 

Fousey updates his mental hospital situation and his security gives his opinion

Fousey ‘s aggressive and erratic behavior has been a hot topic as of late. He was caught fighting and abusing his co-workers and his friends on stream. A few days back, Fousey was arrested from The Intercontinental Hotel in Miami. He self-swatted himself from his hotel room, faking that his life was in immediate danger. 

The police took the streamer to a mental hospital immediately after the fake swatting incident. After a few days, Fousey gave an update online. He stated in the video that he was really upset at the moment since he kept hoping that his fans would interact with him. He even addressed the change in his fans’ behavior by saying, “You guys are being really weird, so forget about it.

Fousey later insisted that he missed his fans and even gave an explanation about his situation. He said that he was presently in a mental hospital, admitted for certain eccentric actions he could not recall. Moments later, he stated that he could not leave the mental hospital until he got clearance from the police. Fousey also mentioned that he has been in the hospital for four days and that the doctors drug him up every day. 

According to the YouTuber, the doctors inject him with drugs with a big a** needle whenever they feel like he is saying something wrong. Eventually, Fousey concluded by saying that he loves everyone and that he will be back very soon. When one of Fosuey’s security guards was asked about the whole situation he suggested that the streamer was on the way to recovery and said, “He is getting the help that he needs”. The guard also mentioned that he wanted Fousey to get out and get back to his streaming and fans as fast as possible. 

People have been worrying about not only Fousey but also about other streamers. Click here to know why people think xQc was hallucinating about a call with Linus Sebastian.

About the author

Nilotpal Chakraborty

Nilotpal Chakraborty


Nilotpal Chakraborty is a E-Sports and Media Journalist currently working as a streaming content writer under the Gaming and E-Sports department of The SportsRush. He has been a vivid viewer of live streams, YouTube content, TV shows, and movies for more than 5 years. Using such knowledge he has written more than 500 articles having been in the field for around 3 years. Apart from online content, he loves traveling, and snapping pictures and definitely craves Indian and international delicacies. You may also find him making the delicacies at home.

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