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Dana White Embraces ‘Doubt and Negativity’ as Fuel for Success in the UFC

Kevin Binoy

Dana White Embraces 'Doubt and Negativity' as Fuel for Success in the UFC

Over the past two decades, Dana White has transformed a dying business bleeding money into a global juggernaut. But it wasn’t as easy as it sounds. White has been met with rejection and criticism multiple times. While it can be detrimental to success, White believes ‘doubt and negativity’ to be his fuel.

Every move Dana White makes is put under the microscope by fans as well as pundits. White is often criticized for moves he makes, like his decision to continue putting on fights during COVID. In a recent podcast with ‘Sebastian Maniscalco’, White described how he deals with negativity and criticism.

“Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, none of this stuff existed 20 years ago. So it is all changing and there are two ways to look at it, this is the worst thing to happen to people and the best thing to happen to people.”

He further elaborated on how he absolutely loved the negativity and how it fed him.

I love social media, I love the negativity. It fuels me, it feeds me, and tell me I can’t f**king do something, tell me I can’t. I love that stuff. That is what gets me up in the morning.”

Dana White went on to add that one of the biggest motivators in his life is to prove people wrong. The 54-year-old is also extremely good at proving people wrong and rubbing it in their faces.

A perfect example of the same is the video he released trolling all the pundits and media houses that criticized him for putting on events during COVID-19 once he was done. White aims to use that same approach as he builds PowerSlap.

Dana White boasts the doors opened by PowerSlap amidst increasing criticism

White’s latest venture, PowerSlap is not being received well by fans. Pundits and fans alike have bashed PowerSlap relentlessly for being unsafe, and well, for not being a sport. They do have a point here. There are no skills, no protection. It’s just like a dog fighting pit if both dogs have their legs tied up.

Maybe Dana is the Michael Vick of this world, who knows!

Regardless, despite the increasing criticism, Dana White remains steadfast in his belief in the promotion. He has claimed that PowerSlap was growing at an unprecedented rate and it was also opening doors for him that would not have been possible otherwise.

White stated that UFC in Saudi Arabia was finalized because of PowerSlap. The Saudi officials initially approached Dana White to host PowerSlap in Saudi Arabia and whilst negotiating, worked out a deal to host UFC as well. Only time will tell if Dana White gets the last laugh in this situation or if fans and the pundits were right all along.

About the author

Kevin Binoy

Kevin Binoy

With more than two years of devoted experience in the Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) industry, Kevin Binoy is an accomplished MMA journalist. His love of combat sports and his deep knowledge of the tactics and background of mixed martial arts (MMA) enable him to analyze fights and present his readers a distinct viewpoint. Throughout his writing career, Kevin has contributed to a number of reputable outlets.

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