Deadlock, a new Norwegian Sentinel Agent joins the Valorant roster with the Episode 7 Act 1 update. Along this, the latest edition of the seasonal Battlepass includes fresh cosmetics for players to try.
The new Agent will be the 22nd playable one in the game and will join other Sentinels like Sage, Cypher, Killjoy, and Chamber. Deadlock’s abilities make her not only useful but also deadly like a spider. Thus, making the latest addition a force to be reckoned with in the game.
Since this Agent is going to bring unique abilities, her usefulness is still unexplored. Our guide will give you an in-depth look at Deadlock and how she can be used in certain situations in-game.
- Deadlock’s abilities
- Strategies
- Agent Contract rewards
Deadlock’s abilities in Valorant
New Deadlock Abilities Reveal
— Valorant Updates (@ValorantUpdated) June 24, 2023
Deadlock uses multiple cutting-edge technologies to slow down her opponents on the battlefield. In addition to that, she also brings a lethal ultimate that makes foes scared when no one’s around. Agent 23 has a total of four abilities namely: GravNet, Sonic Sensor, Barrier Mesh, and Annihilation. All these abilities mentioned here are explained below:
- GravNet (C): GravNet grenade is a throwable projectile that can be thrown across large distances or close by. Upon throwing GravNet detonates when it lands, causing any enemies caught within to crouch and move slowly.
- Sonic Sensor (Q): This is a throwable sensor that can be deployed by Deadlock from one position. When activated, the sensor monitors an area for enemies making sounds. This ability concusses that area if footsteps, weapons fire, or significant noise are detected.
- Barrier Mesh (E): It is a throwable disc that will be deployed on a marked position. Upon landing, the disc generates barriers from the origin point that block character movement.
- Annihilation (X): This is a Nanowire Accelerator device that is lethal for enemies. Upon deployment, it unleashed a pulse of nanowires that captures the first enemy it contacts. The cocooned enemy is pulled along a nanowire path and will die if they reach the end unless they are freed. The nanowire cocoon is destructible, so trapped players can be saved by teammates.
Strategies to use when playing the new Agent

Deadlock can be used passive-aggressively like most other Sentinel Agents in Valorant. Her Barrier Mesh ability can help slow opponents down by deploying it right in front of the entry point. When enemies are stuck in one position, Deadlock can hunt them down by shooting through this barrier. This ability can also be combined with her Ultimate, Annihilation to pick one enemy off while staying in a safe spot.
Moreover, her GravNet and Sonic Sensor abilities can create tough times for opponents by slowing them down and stunning them. Both these abilities can make opponents think twice before rushing into sites. In a post-plant situation, Deadlock’s Sonic Sensor can also give a strategic option to use it as an alarm near a Spike to get intel. However, her usefulness will vary from map to map as possibilities are limitless.
Deadlock’s Agent contract progression rewards
Like every other Agent, Deadlock will also have a contract system that will award players for progressing. All of her tier-wise progression rewards are as follows:
- Tier 1: Cyber Oak (Spray)
- Tier 2: VALORANT Deadlock (Player Card)
- Tier 3: Wired (Title)
- Tier 4: Crossed Wires (Spray)
- Tier 5: Kingdom Credits
- Tier 6: Nanowire Cartridge, (Gun Buddy)
- Tier 7: Deadlock Spray (Spray)
- Tier 8: Ståljeger (Title)
- Tier 9: Into the Vault (Player Card)
- Tier 10: Resolution (Weapon skin for Classic)
Deadlock will be coming with the release of the Valorant Episode 7 Act 1 update on June 27, 2023. The agent will not be unlocked for all and will require players to grind till Level 5 in her contract.
That is all you need to know about Deadlock and her abilities for now. If you wish to explore more Valorant content, you can do so by clicking here.