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WATCH: Ronaldinho’s insane through the keeper’s legs goal in the Indian Premier Futsal League

Utkarsh Bhatla

Ronaldinho Source: Sportskeeda

With the growing fandom for Football in the country, people and fans have taken to the Premier Futsal in a very fond way. And why wouldn’t they? Footballing legends from all over the world have graced India and are bringing about a Futsal revolution in the country.

Ronaldhino, Paul Scholes, Ryan Giggs, Falcao etc. have helped in bringing bucketloads of people to the stadium. The game of Futsal, which was essentially non-existent in the India(in the organised sector) has picked up immensely with Futsal turfs coming up all around the country.

The debut season was one that everyone cherished, as spectators were treated to some suave sills, scintillating link up play and brilliant goals. And the second season has been no different.

The organisers this year have also taken the league global, with the knockout stages set to be held in Dubai.

What do you think excites people about Futsal?

It is the perfect amalgamation of skills and goals, all combined in a short game, providing people with ample entertainment and adrenaline rush.

Ronaldinho scored the perfect goal last night in the match up between Delhi and Bengaluru, something that perfectly epitomises the Premier Futsal League.

Ronaldinho scored a brilliant no-look goal last night, getting the ball through the legs of the opposing keeper, who had charged up the field, and then comfortably slotting the ball home.

Check out the video here and don’t forget to tune into the Premier Futsal League for some brilliant futsalling action:

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