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“Vince was sitting on the ground, just drenched with tears” – Vince McMahon once cried while watching The Attitude Era Promo Video

Yasser Ayaz

Vince McMahon in tears

WWE Chairman Vince McMahon was once beside himself and drenched with tears while watching The Attitude Era Promo Video.

When it comes to drawing emotions out of the audience, WWE always hits the right note. The media team of WWE has always done excellent work in their promos and commercial videos. Recently, former Creative Director of WWE’s on-air promotions David Sahadi recalled a noteworthy moment that made his former boss Vince McMahon Cry.

Sahadi says his ‘Passing the Tourch’ promo video made the Owner of WWE cry

In his recent appearance on the Talk N’ Shop Podcast with Doc Gallows and Karl Anderson, David Sahadi talked about his time in WWE as the creative director of on-air promotions. Sahadi also recalled his “passing of the torch” commercial that made Vince McMahon cry. 

Sahadi recalled:

“15 seconds in [watching the commercial], it’s him, Shane [McMahon] and I think Pat Patterson, 15 seconds in [Vince] is like, ‘Oh God. Oh, God. Jesus. Oh, God.’ He walked out before the tag page even came up. I turn to Shane and said, ‘He hates it, doesn’t he?’ He goes, ‘No, you got him.’ I swear to you on my life, I walked outside this studio and Vince is sitting on the ground in tears, just drenched with tears and he’s saying, ‘Thank you so much.”

The commercial aired during the Attitude Era and featured legends like Pat Patterson and was aimed to uplift the superstars of that time.

The reason why Vince McMahon got so emotional after eyeing the commercial video

WWE’s former creative director further added that Vince McMahon was moved by the commercial. He also stated that Vince stayed on the stairwell for 20 more minutes. This is very odd given the face fact that Vince never publically displays his emotions very often. He has always showcased himself as a bad authority figure on-screen. 

Sahadi believes that the reason behind the emotional reactions was probably because Vince saw the video as a passing of the torch from his father’s legacy to his.

“I think one reason why it affected Vince so much is that he saw it wasn’t just a passing of the torch from one wrestling generation to another, but also the legacy of his dad to him. I think he felt on a visceral and personal level. To make Vince McMahon cry, it’s one of my top spots of all time even though I’ve done far more creative things, but there is emotion in that spot and it’s all about emotion.” He said.

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Yasser Ayaz

Yasser Ayaz


Yasser Ayaz is a WWE author at The Sports Rush. With more than 800 articles published, Yasser has been a part of The Sports Rush team for more than a year. Mixing passion with his profession, he aims to bring the world of wrestling to your screens in a unique yet simple manner. A lifelong fan of icons like John Cena, Randy Orton, and Jeff Hardy, Yasser has been following WWE since 2004. Other than wrestling, he also loves to play and watch cricket and sometimes enjoys binge-watching a Crime Thriller series.

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