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Arnold Schwarzenegger Reveals a ‘Legal Performance Enhancer’ to Make Daily Workouts More Effective

Radha Iyer

Arnold Schwarzenegger Reveals a ‘Legal Performance Enhancer’ to Make Daily Workouts More Effective

Arnold Schwarzenegger has always been enthusiastic about making exercises and workouts more efficient and effective. Several fitness-based sports that demand endurance and strength involve athletes, often illegally, resorting to Performance-enhancing Drugs or PEDs for similar purposes. Recently, Arnold talked about that one way to increase the efficacy of gym sessions with a simple tool.

A good workout playlist might just be the key to a natural boost for a regular day at the gym. In his recent newsletter, Schwarzenegger highlighted the role of music in increasing the output of exercises.

A study on music preference and exercise responses suggests that it could exhibit improvements in endurance, motivation, and strength. It also helps reduce fatigue and perceived effort, giving individuals the best workout session they could bargain for.

The way it works well is it acts as a distraction for the brain from witnessing and feeling fatigue and tiredness. This, in turn, increased the output of the individual and helped them train harder even when they felt exhausted.


“Research also suggests that training to a beat makes you more efficient with your movements…”

Schwarzenegger also points out how there’s a way to feel less exhausted during a workout while also being able to push as hard as possible. The appropriate number of beats to a song elevates one’s mood, thereby helping expend less energy overall.

“It works so well that one scientist (Dr. Costas Karageorghis) suggests music could be considered “a type of legal performance-enhancing drug.”…”

As long as one chose the songs they loved and remained consistent with their endeavors, Schwarzenegger firmly believed that it was possible to obtain better results. Earlier,the former bodybuilder talked on similar topic mentioning the optimum number of beats for a better workout.

Arnold Schwarzenegger Previously Mentioned the Perfect BPM for a Challenging Workout

It has already been established that working out to music that has a particular number of beats could help enhance the session. Schwarzenegger once mentioned the nuances and revealed what could be the sweet spot for this.

Citing the appropriate studies, he revealed how listening to music with a tempo of 120–150 beats per minute or 170-180 beats per minute would be ideal. This step could help increase energy levels while providing the individual with a power-packed day at the gym. However, it isn’t necessary to stick to the recommended number of beats as long as one opts for a playlist that works for them.

About the author

Radha Iyer

Radha Iyer


Radha Iyer is a US Sports writer at The SportsRush. With a Master's degree in Media and Communication, and a background in content creation and production, sports journalism has been a part and parcel of her demonstrated history in the said field. Olympic sports hold a special place in her heart, and she is particularly interested in sports like track and field, gymnastics, and swimming. She also draws inspiration from legendary athletes like Michael Phelps, Usain Bolt, Simone Biles, and many more.

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