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Arnold Schwarzenegger Sheds Light on the Surprising Health Benefits of Sprinting the Stairs

Rahul Goutam Hoom

Arnold Schwarzenegger Sheds Light on the Surprising Health Benefits of Sprinting the Stairs

Even if a person has a demanding daily schedule, Arnold Schwarzenegger encourages his ‘village’ members to engage in some form of physical activity. A little activity can lead to various health benefits, which he does not want his community to miss out on. This time, in his newsletter, he proposes doing a sprint workout on the stairs.

Running or sprinting has long been associated with positive health benefits because it improves cardiovascular endurance and pulmonary function. And, looking at Olympic sprinters, one can see their slender bodies, which help them achieve those shiny medals on the track while also keeping themselves on a healthier path.

However, to run and reap the benefits, one does not require an exclusive track, as Schwarzenegger writes:

“Research suggests that sprinting up the stairs just a few times per day can improve heart health, cardiovascular fitness, and lower blood pressure.”

The Austrian Oak goes on to say that completing this routine involves minimal effort from anyone who is serious about their health.

He adds that in the aforementioned study, participants were required to sprint stairs for 20 seconds before walking down to enhance the recovery process, and this practice was repeated at least twice. While the effort required for this exercise may appear to be negligible, he argues that it has numerous benefits:

“Research on more than 25,000 people found that performing short, intense bursts of physical activity three to four times a day can result in a 40 percent reduction in death from all causes and up to a 49 percent reduction in death from cardiovascular disease.”

Cardiovascular diseases are on the rise in the United States, and these kinds of short exercises are the go-to ways for anyone looking for that major health boost they require. However, there is not always enough space to perform a specific physical activity, and according to the bodybuilder, a particular method works best in such instances.

Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Artistic Way of Gaining Health Benefits

When an individual is confronted with numerous obstacles, stress and anxiety become a challenge in their lives. However, these types of mental health difficulties can be addressed with a little physical activity, but if such activities are not available, coloring can be used instead. Arnold Schwarzenegger claims that this procedure can help reduce anxiety, boost focus, and elevate mood.

However, this behavior has a physiological explanation, as coloring causes dopamine, a hormone connected with pleasure, satisfaction, and even motivation. This is a simple technique to follow for individuals who cannot exercise, as the Austrian Oak always wants his ‘village’ members to be in good health.

About the author

Rahul Goutam Hoom

Rahul Goutam Hoom


Rahul is a US Sports Journalist at The SportsRush. Since 2022, he has covered many American sporting events, including the Kentucky Derby and other important events. Rahul's skill sets begins with the lightning-fast skating of Connor McDavid and continues with the unique surfing stints of Jamie O'Brien. When he is not busy penning excellent pieces for his readers, you can find him glued to his gaming laptop, either ranking up in Valorant or taking a shot at Honkai Star Rail.

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