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Post TI11 Dota 2 Roster Changes: Know all the roster shuffles and team changes

Aaryanshi Mohan

Post TI11 Dota 2 Roster Changes: Know all the roster shuffles and team changes

TI11 Dota 2 ended with Tundra Esports winning the championship title and taking home with them the lion’s share of the prize poo. But that doesn’t finish the Dota 2 season. Post TI11 Dota 2 Roster Changes are in action and organsiations, teams and players are making changes. Some are looking for teams (LFT) and some are welcoming new faces to the team.

Every year, after the TI ends, teams who didn’t do so well, look to make roster changes, and the ones who didn’t make it to The International definitely look to change their roster and will then be looking to make a stronger comeback than ever. Most organisations wait till the TI is over to make the move so that they have an idea about how which player is performing.

Majority of the big name who did not make it to The International are looking it as their one last change to make a roster that is going be playing the whole season.

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Post TI11 Dota 2 roster changes, shuffle, signing, and transfers for the 2023 Dota 2 Pro Circuit

There are a lot of changes that are going to happen slowly and steady as teams close in towards the 2023 pro circuit. Here is a summary of all the Dota 2 roster shuffles that have taken place since TI11 ended.

Nov. 2

  • DuBu bids farewell to TSM

Nov. 1

Come November, the action has just sped up. More and more teams are letting go of their players. for instance, Soniqs let go of  MSS, YaWar, Quinn, and Fata. Kidaro, Xibbe, Otaker, Supream^, Ari have left Into The Breach along with MiLAN, who is their coach. Last but not the least, SG esports have let go of mouzvaa, Kxy, Oscar, and LTH.

Oct. 31

On the last day of October, Team SMG have let go of iceiceice.

Oct. 30

  • MATUMBAMAN has retired
  • Wisper is now a freeagent

Oct. 29

  • Darkmago has decided to part ways with his team– Thunder Awaken
  • Gaimin Gladiators bid farewell to BOOM

Oct. 28

  • Gunnar is now a freeagent for Nouns Esports

Oct. 27

  • Whitemon sees the end of his contract with T1

Oct. 26

  • YamSun is now a freeagent from Wildcard Gaming

Oct. 25

  • ponlo has parted ways with Aster.Aries

Oct. 24

  • Faith_bian has now retired
  •  March, Kuku and Xepher part ways with T1 expire
  • Davai Lama and Sammyboy are now free agents from their team– Wildcard Gaming

Oc.t 20

  • Somnus has not retired

Oct. 18

  • Virtus Pro has now parted ways with RAMZES666

Oct. 13

  • Natus Vincere bids farewell to Solo

Oct. 5

  • Nigma Galaxy has now released AlaCrity, Meracle, Jhocam, and Boombui
Since there are more roster changed that will follow, be sure to follow us to know the latest changes in Dota 2 roster.

About the author

Aaryanshi Mohan

Aaryanshi Mohan


Aaryanshi Mohan is an Esports writer and the Content Manager for Gaming and Esports at The SportsRush. Her love for video games started at a very young age and she just found a way to make both of her passions-- writing and gaming into a career. She loves old school games-- Commander Keen 4 is her all time favourite. Valorant and PUBG are her newest loves. When not gaming, or writing, you can find Aaryanshi reading, cooking or eating ramen.

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