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Dota 2 News: Valve launches Immortal Treasure III for the TI 10 Battlepass; Spectre might be Arcana winner

Gautham Balaji

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Dota 2 News: The Dota 2 Immortal Treasure III has been finally released by Valve. Read more to find out the latest details on the skins you can get, how long the Battlepass is available & the latest arcana which might be released.

Valve, after a lot of waiting and speculation, has finally released the Immortal Treasure III. It features a whole slew of new sets & items for Pugna, Lich, Oracle, Gyrocopter & Clockwerk. Also, each item will increase your chances of getting a reward of 50 Battle Pass levels.

The rare items in the Immortal Treasue III is the Golden version of Pugna, the ultra-rare Phoenix wings. & the cosmically rare Emblem of Divinity.

In recent years,  Valve has also developed a 50 Level bundle that can be applied to the Battle Pass as a rare reward. Valve has confirmed that the TI 10 Battle Pass will be extended by 3 weeks, until October 9th. During this last phase, Battle Pass owners can purchase up to two bundles of 60 levels at a 30% discount.

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The result of the arcana vote will also be revealed when the Battle Pass ends. Right now, the final round of the arcana vote is between Spectre & Faceless Void. Both of them are melee, purple carries who can travel distances. So, Valve’s blog post saying that the winner is purple melee carry can be left open to interpretation

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