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Dota 2 Support Guide: 5 Strength heroes you can pick in Support role to absolutely destroy Pub games

Gautham Balaji

Dota 2 Support Guide: 5 Strength heroes you can pick in Support role to absolutely destroy Pub games

Dota 2 Support Guide: 5 Strength heroes you can pick in a Support role to absolutely destroy Pub games. Strength heroes have some great abilities, and they can easily dominate if they get a good start.

You can pick these 5 strength heroes as Supports, and still carry the game to an easy victory in Pubs.

Supports in Dota 2 can be a pain to deal with, but only until your team’s carry is farming. Once your carry joins the fight, enemy supports will melt to the sheer damage. However, if you want to avoid this from happening in your game, pick a support hero with a Strength attribute. Strength heroes have high HP regen and armour, making them the best ones to start a fight. They can tank a lot of damage, and also dish out equal amounts in return.

So, here is a list of 5 strength heroes you can pick in the support role. All these 5 heroes are equally good, and picking them to counter the enemy draft will result in an easy win.

Dota 2: 5 best strength heroes to play as supports

These heroes are not better than the other in any particular order, and they can all fulfil the role of supports.


Undying is one of the best Strength supports. He can crush enemy heroes in any lane by sapping strength and taking it for himself. His tombstone is very annoying to deal with. Soul rip can both harm enemies and heal allies. His Ultimate, Flesh Golem, makes him a walking monstrosity who enemies will have a hard time dealing with.


Phoenix is another annoying hero to deal with in lane. There is no way to dispel the attack speed slow which his fire spirits put out. Sunray both heals and harms, and Icarus dives deals a lot of damage in the later stages. A well placed Supernova can be an excellent way to get the jump on the enemy team.


Tidehunter is an absolute beast in lane, and can disrupt any hero’s early game. His Kraken Shell and Anchor Smash makes it impossible for a melee carry to contest the lane, and getting hit by Gush is pretty annoying. Ravage, his Ultimate, needs no hype. A well-timed Ravage-Cataclysm Combo can virtually destroy 3 out of 5 enemy heroes.

Earth Spirit

Earth Spirit is a fun support to play, but he can devastate the enemy team’s combo. Magnetize is very powerful as the game goes on, and Earth Spirit has multiple disables to get the jump on an unwitting enemy. However, it takes a lot of practice to master Earth Spirit.

Elder Titan

Elder Titan is a truly magnificent hero. He can get extra-strength during a team fight by sending his Astral Form and recalling it after a stomp to make enemies sleep. Natural Order aura passive can completely make enemies misjudge team fight. Earth Split can be used as a good follow up to another Ultimate which can control the enemy heroes.

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