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Dota 2 Hero Guide: Top 5 Intelligence Heroes for you to pick and dominate Pub games

Gautham Balaji

Dota 2 Hero Guide: Top 5 Intelligence Heroes for you to pick and dominate Pub games

Dota 2 Hero Guide: Top 5 Intelligence Heroes for you to pick and dominate Pub games. Intelligence heroes in Dota 2 are capable of making incredible plays with their diverse spells. In this article, we will discuss the top 5 Intelligence heroes, and how they easily stomp pub games. Read more to find out Dota 2’s best Intelligence heroes.

Dota 2 has three categories of heroes: Strength, Agility, and Intelligence. Strength heroes are good for manning-up against enemies, and tanking damage. Agility heroes are important to deal damage to the enemy team. However, Intelligence heroes are versatile, flexible, and can completely turn the tide in a team fight. Many Intelligence heroes are Casters, and they have a phenomenal impact during team fights.

So, here is a list of the top 5 Intelligence heroes that you can pick in your normal Ranked MMR games. The beauty of this list is that you can pick them for any position or role, and still have a pretty comfortable game.

Top 5 Dota 2 Intelligence Heroes to pick in pubs


Puck is one of the more annoying Intelligence heroes in Dota 2. He can deal burst damage, escape with the Illusory Orb, and even Jaunt in and Dream Coil 4 heroes together. Apart from this, he is extremely evasive, making him one of the best initiators and escape heroes in the game.


Pugna is a very strong Intelligence hero. He can deal massive amounts of magical damage with Nether Blast. He can destroy a team that casts a lot of spelling with the use of his Nether Ward. His Life Drain can heal, harm, and even restore Mana to allies.

Storm Spirit

Storm is a devastating hero to lane against after he hits level 6. He can jump into fights from behind, and deal massive magical damage in an AoE. He has a great disable, which is the electric vortex. His remnants are powerful, his overload damage &  slow can also be annoying.

Outerworld Destroyer

OD has one of the highest Intelligence gains, after Pugna in this list. OD has high Base damage with his 1st spell. His astral imprisonment can be used both offensively and defensively. Sanity Eclipse does an insane amount of damage on heroes with a low mana pool.

Keeper of the Light

Ezalor is a brilliant hero to play with because of his diverse spells. He cant help heroes by constantly refilling their mana. He can relocate heroes from across the map to make them join teamfights. If you pick KOTL with Storm Spirt and both players are pretty good, the game will be a stomp.

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