The Piquet family had something very special to celebrate recently. Three-time Formula 1 world champion Nelson Piquet’s daughter, Julia Piquet, tied the knot earlier this week. Naturally, Julia’s sister, Kelly Piquet, was in attendance. However, Kelly’s boyfriend, Max Verstappen, skipped the celebrations.
Instead of the Red Bull driver, Piquet was accompanied to the wedding by her brother, Nelson Piquet Jr, who also raced in the sport. As a result of Verstappen’s absence, several fans have commented in the post below that he and Kelly may have split after their four-year relationship.
Renowned video creator and wedding photographer Lucas Freitas was handed the responsibility of documenting the celebrations on film. He released the videos from the wedding which made fans question the status of Kelly and Verstappen’s relationship. However, there is a good reason why Verstappen was not in attendance.
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The Dutchman wanted to take a break after having recently finished competing in 14 grueling races in the 2024 season. The 26-year-old is keen on using F1’s summer break to spend time with his own family. Despite Verstappen’s legitimate reason to not be a part of the celebrations, fans have yet speculated that all is not good between him and Kelly.