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Alan Wake 2: Ending Explained

Shraman Mitra

Alan Wake in Alan Wake 2

Remedy Entertainment is known for making mind-bending games that employ a complex web of interconnected storylines. Likewise, Alan Wake 2’s ending has been leaving players stumped with some even resorting to online forums for explanations.

Like its predecessor, Alan Wake 2 puts us into the shoes of the titular author and has us finding a way to escape the Dark Place. However, this time, the developers have switched things around by introducing a second protagonist, FBI Agent Saga Anderson. Incidentally, both Alan and Saga have their individual battles to fight, until the story brings them together in the final act. However, if you are confused about the ending of the game and want to know more, fret not cause we bring answers!

How does Alan Wake 2 end?

At the end of Alan Wake 2, Saga Anderson faces her biggest challenge in the form of the titular author himself. However, this isn’t the Alan Wake we know but is instead a dark manifestation possessed by Alan’s evil doppelgänger, Mr. Scratch. Subsequently, Scratch tries his best to overwhelm Saga, but she uses a clever combination of lights to trap him inside a cell.

Alan Wake after emerging from the Dark Place
Image via Epic Games Publishing

Once Scratch is captured, Saga and her partner, Alex Casey use several powerful lights to banish the dark presence, which frees Alan but knocks out everyone in the arena. Yet, when Saga comes to her senses, she notices something amiss and realizes that Scratch is in control of her partner and has been using him to spread the Darkness in Bright Falls. In the meantime, Alan has a trippy episode in which he walks around Bright Falls on the day of the Deerfest until everything falls apart, and the diner waitress, Rose, helps him step inside the Writer’s Room.

Unfortunately, Saga’s journey to the Writer’s Room is much more perilous as she is locked inside her mind place by Scratch. Still, the detective gets hold of a few precious mementos, which gives her the strength needed to face the Darkness. Subsequently, Alan’s wife, Alice, helps Saga find the Clicker and the Bullet of Light, the two items needed to destroy Scratch before the detective meets the writer in her mind place for the final time.

Once face to face with the writer, Saga learns that Casey, is a real person and not Alan’s creation. Hence, if she edits in that detail at the end of the manuscript, Scratch would be forced to leave her partner’s body. Armed with this knowledge, Saga and Alan return to the Writer’s Room where they are attacked by Scratch.

Immediately, Saga uses the Clicker to subdue Scratch before shooting him with the Bullet of Light. However, this is where things get confusing as we see the bullet hit Alan Wake in the forehead before he falls dead in his chair. The moment Alan dies, Casey is freed of Scratch’s influence and Saga even gets a phone call from her daughter, Logan.

What happens to Saga Anderson?

Saga Anderson shooting Alan Wake
Image via Epic Games Publishing

Although the ending is undefined and open for interpretation, we believe Saga Anderson was freed of the darkness, the moment she killed Scratch/Alan Wake with the Bullet of Light. In fact, the game also hints that she and her partner, Casey, might have gotten back to their everyday lives. On top of it, the phone call Saga receives from her daughter further proves that Logan is alive.

Where is Alice Wake at the end of Alan Wake 2?

Alice Wake at the end of Alan Wake 2
Image via Epic Games Publishing

Alice reappears in a mid-credits scene and claims she has started to remember all that happened after she got stuck in the Dark Place. She also mentions that she has asked an organization for help, and many players believe she is talking about the Federal Bureau of Control from Remedy’s 2019 masterpiece. Furthermore, Alice insists that Alan will have to keep going through “the loop,” which hints at the writer being stuck in a time anomaly between the events of Alan Wake and Alan Wake 2.

Is Alan Wake really dead?

Alan Wake shot in the head at the end of Alan Wake 2
Image via Epic Games Publishing

No, Alan is still alive, and the mid-credits scene shows the author coming back to his senses after being knocked out by the Bullet of Light. However, even though Alice urges Alan to go through “the loop” a few more times, the first words the writer speaks after opening his eyes are, “It’s not a loop, it’s a spiral.” This is a throwback to the end of the first game where Alan said, “It’s not a lake, it’s an ocean,” indicating that we might have just scratched the surface of the Dark Place, and there is a lot left to explore. Additionally, it could also mean that every time Alan completes a loop and enters a new one, he goes deeper into the spiral, and it might take a finite number of tries for Alan and Scratch to become one.

About the author

Shraman Mitra

Shraman Mitra


Shraman is an Editor at The SportsRush. He has always been interested in searching for intricate stories, whether in a game, a movie, or hidden in real life. A Philosophy major, he found his true calling in expressing himself through the magic of words. The SportsRush provided him with the perfect mixing bowl, which blended his passion for gaming with a touch of storytelling. When not clicking away at the keyboard, he can be found devouring books, exploring the mechanics of a complex role-playing videogame, or cheering Manchester United to victory.

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